When I picked up my New 3DS XL yesterday the first thing I did was start loading different games to see how they looked and FE Awakening was one of them. It looks great on the bigger screen. I never finished that game so I need to go back after I finished Persona Q.
I sacrifice my blood, in the chase of the dragon
On 03/01/2015 at 05:24 PM by GamerFoxem See More From This User » |
Tuesday night I’ve finally beaten Fire Emblem Awakening. This has been my favorite 3DS and after two years of slowly playing the campaign, a few DLC maps, and skirmishes between Risen and Streetpass teams I have beaten the Endgame chapter. It was a bit tense since the Exalted Falchion, the blade with has the power of Naga's fang, could only do 25 damage on the final boss unit, who just happens to have a skill that reduces sword damage by half if activated. The ending cutscene threw me for a whirl, causing me to believe I've entered a temporal loop (time travel is mentioned in the game) but if it is "over" as Chrom said then why am I stuck on the Endgame script? Data is saved but it's always Endgame. Well I saved the land from the Fallen Dragon and I can save it again as many times as I can, but after beating that lizard even more Risen groups have been popping up on the map than usual. Game is keeping me busy while I try to relax.
So what is left for the game? I’ll still do daily skirmishes with the random Risen spots along with the Streetpasses I pick up whenever I go out. There are also the DLC packs and Spotpass missions I have to play. Sadly I can’t do the co-op since I don’t have any friends to play it with. I’ll eventually get the rest of the DLC packs I don’t have later. But for the moment I’m going to take it easy.
I’m actually kind of burnt out on RPGs from finishing one so suddenly, so I’m just going to take it easy on the genre and work on another game I can just pick up and play such as Half-Life. Once I’m feeling up to it I think I should get back to Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. The last time I’ve played it, which I believe was Thursday night, I just spent about an hour catching Pokemon while keeping an eye out for different abilities and moves, so very little progress was made.
Since I’m still rambling on the 3DS I have noticed mine did not read the SD card twice in this month. What I think happened was that the slider for the lock on the adapter is loose enough somehow that it slides to locked. Or something at work is just outright screwing with my 3DS when it’s not disabling my phone’s connection to the mobile network.
Aside from a rough month that’s about it. Until next time.