When I I read Whole Lotta Lego I came in here expecting to see Page and Plant Lego characters. Way, down inside, woman yoooo need........ LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..GO!
Quick Hits: A Whole Lotta Lego
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![]() On 03/06/2015 at 12:46 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
Pixlbit it is Friday, and it is time for us to get back into Quick Hits, but before I do that how are you good folks? Everything good? I’m currently a bit cranky because it is No Meat Friday, and I have a Fillet O-Fish in my future and maybe a cheese pizza (I have a package of pepperoni I throw on the leftovers to “Un-Lent” the pizza on Saturday morning.) It is a nice Friday Morning here, and I am back on my Ice Water kick. For a week or two it was nothing but Root Beer, and Ginger Ale, anything that doesn’t have caffeine. Anyways I am here, you folks are here, let’s get started with another Quick Hits with Chris.
Chris Watches…
Agents of SHIELD
The show is back after a good run of Agent Carter. When we last left off the good folks of SHIELD were in the underground city and Skye, and the woman with the red dress “evolved” while poor Trip turned into a pile or rocks. I’m not going to spoil anything but I am excited to see how the rest of the season plays out and how this affects the upcoming flicks.
House of Cards
I’ve been good. I haven’t taken in an episode in a week. I’m slowly spreading that show out until Arrow returns. All bets are off this weekend however.
Hells Kitchen
The show I like to call “World’s Worst Professional Chefs” is back and once again I find it amazing how folks who do this as a profession have no idea on how to cook scallops, fish, well really anything on the menu. I can’t wait for all the infighting and Chef Ramsay yelling “ITS RAW.” Once again I would gladly take the kids on Masterchef Junior over these chefs when it comes to making my food.
Spring Training
Yep Baseball is back and so far I caught the Angels first game of the year. I’m also interested to see how well the Padres do this year. The team I used to call “My Favorite AAA Team” made some big moves and hopefully both the Angels and Padres can get to the World Series, which I am hoping will be called “The Holy War.”
This is quickly becoming my favorite wrestling program because its an hour of up and coming wrestlers. It’s the developmental league for the WWE and its on the WWE Network so I am getting the most of my $9.99 a month (this is a running gag with the WWE when the network was first launched.) There are hardly wrestlers on this roster that I would place on my Walkout List*
*I have a list of wrestlers I refused to watch because I don’t care for them
This past week’s main event was Sasha Banks (she’s somehow related to Snoop Dogg) vs. Charlotte (Ric Flair’s daughter…WOOOOOOOOOO)
So last weekend was another UFC Pay Per View with the headliner being Ronda Rousey. I like Rousey because she is dominating, talks trash, and her fights usually end in an armbar. So in her latest fight she took all of 14 seconds. Yep right after my tweet about her going to end the fight in an armbar…she ended it in an armbar.
Chris Roams Around…
Since it is the new month I wanted to check to see if Target had the new Avengers Lego sets and they were out. Holy cow, I guess a bunch of folks were waiting, even though you could get the sets at Toys R Us. Also if you folks want to stock up on some PS3/360 games check the clearance section. My local store had a bunch of games starting at $7.48 up to $10.
I went looking for the same sets and they too were out. I’m still kind of bummed that I didn’t buy the clearance Tony Stark Mansion because I think it hit $11. Anyways while I was looking at the Lego Disney Princess sets because the Frozen set is seriously hard to find there was a mom camped out in front of the shelves texting. She sees me looking at the sets, and continues to text. Oh Walmart, your customers never cease to amaze me.
Toys R Us
While looking through the action figures at Toys R Us, I spotted the “retro” figures and they had Big Trouble in Little China figures. They ran out of the three god guys with the giant wicker hats, but they did have Lo Pan and a bunch of Gracie Law, but no Jack Burton. Anyways what caught my attention was this
I’m not big on statues but the boxes for these figures are cool because they look like NES and Master System game boxes.
Chris’ Randoms…
I found a new taco shop that happens to be down the street from my house. Unlike my current favorite taco shop, this one is more authentic, and super cheap. They offer a ton of different meats for tacos including my two favorites: tripas (fried intestines, super greasy and awesome) and cabeza (meat from the head of the animal, super soft meat).
The tripas tacos. They are so good. Dang it on Catholic Friday the only thing I can eat are fish based products. I might as well visit Rubio’s for some fish tacos. The funny thing about the local spot is that they have this banner
The Lakers are so bad that they also jumped on the Bulls bandwagon. If the Clippers and Warriors go deep in the playoffs watch either of those teams be on banners next season. A couple of years ago you couldn't walk out the door without seeing someone wearing Lakers Purple. Now all the "dedicated" fans are nowhere to be seen. I used to get crap for wearing a Lamar Odom Clippers jersey from these folks.
College Basketball is finishing up and my Aztecs are getting ready to dance but the conference decided to release next football season’s schedule
We have one bye week, and two winnable games at Berkley and Happy Valley. I was in the band the last time we played at Cal when the Bears had Steve Mariucci as their coach and Tony Gonzalez as a Tight End.
I saw this on Twitter and it made me laugh
I never saw the Batman similarity until it was pointed out.
So on two separate trips to Target, the clearance section got replenished with games. On my first trip I picked up this game
And then later on in the week while buying eggs I spotted these games
I can take Metro off of my PS3 hard drive now. I wanted to buy Murdered Soul Suspect on the PS4, but this is $12 cheaper so I went with the PS3 version. I really don’t think I’m missing much by getting it on the PS3 compared to the PS4.
I figured for $7 and change it was a good time to give this game a try.
From the local Goodwill on a random stop they had a bunch of random PS2 games but I either owned them or they were scratched up. The one I didn’t have was this game
Not a bad pickup for $3. The disc is clean and there is a manual so I can’t complain.
The midweek Swapmeet had only a handful of vendors this week but I found this game at a vendor who selling clothing and other randoms. He wanted to sell the game and accessories together but I didn’t want the other stuff we settled on $5
My Wii is now complete, and now we can continue to gamble on Wii Bowling (this started on Christmas Day ironically)
I reserved a couple of games!
I’m gonna use the two $5 giftcards on the PS Vita version of MLB The Show because I heard it was going to be digital only.
Nothing big this week but I am taking a chance on this album I found on clearance
I’m not a big Used fan but hopefully I find a song or two I like on this album.
I’ve found some good deals on clearance Lego including a couple I’ve been waiting for a price drop for a while now
The Joker Steamroller set is in the most recent Lego Batman game except it doesn’t have the panel you make explode with a laser. This version of the Batwing isn’t the greatest and I might use it for parts for a new Batman vehicle. I already have a decent Batwing so this one isn’t really needed.
Another Lego clearance item my cousin actually found. Since I couldn’t get to the store for a couple of hours he hid it so I could buy it. Thank goodness reseller guy didn’t spot it
Just like the Joker set this set was also 50% off
The set itself is ok but I think the X-Jet is a little small. Later on today I am going to make a trek to another Target to see if they have this set. If they do I will combine them to make a longer X-Jet…and another Sentinel.
On a couple of trips to Toys R Us I had one Batman set price match from Target
I like this set because of the Batcopter matches with the earlier Jokercopter that was released around 2011 (this is the set that has a better Batwing than the one I just bought.) Another bonus is that I added Nightwing to my minifig collection.
The final Lego set I bought was an impulse buy because it has been extremely hard to find because of all the Frozen hype
This set is always sold out and I guess this was restocked, and there were only three left. I bought one and I am still undecided if I should open it or keep it sealed. I rarely keep sets sealed because they are more fun to build and look at.
Fake Lego
I was hoping that Fake Lego Lady still had her Spider-man figures but she sold out of them. She had the white one, and a couple of different red/blue figures but they were gone. She still had the League of Legends and Super Mario figures but I wasn’t interested in those but she did have some new Guardians of the Galaxy figures. I didn’t want the ones that Lego makes but this figure is like the regular minifigs instead which is different from the Lego release
The Groot minifig is taller than normal minifigs and he/she/it comes with a weapon
It’s a cool figure with the crazy hairpiece that is used in the Dragon Ball Z Fake Lego
Here is a comparison between a regular Lego figure and the Groot
My final toy purchase was a random Hot Wheel that I thought looked cool. Again I’m not trying to collect Hot Wheels because those collectors are a different breed of dedicated. Props to you folks who collect Hot Wheels. Anyways I liked this car because I haven’t seen it before and I can add with it my other cars
How do you not like Snoopy?
Alright Pixlbit, this is the start of my weekend but I need to get a project finished, before I can go check the other Target. Hopefully they have an X-Jet! Have a good weekend Pixlbit!
That’s all for now, more later!