Let me be the first to say congrats! It wasn't till 2003 that I got into Zelda. I remember renting Majoras Mask, and everytime I rented it, someone always deleted my save file. It made me angry everytime I rented it so I got myself a uesd copy. It already had a save file with everything completed and I used that as reference to complete my save file. The bombers notebook was hard to complete but I used the completed one for clues to complete the one on mine. Again, congrats and looking forward to which ones you'll tackle next.
Goal Completed: Majora's Mask
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![]() On 03/09/2015 at 04:49 AM by Nicoleb1989 ![]() See More From This User » |
So in my previous blog I spoke of an achievement I had accomplished recently. That very thing is...I beat Majora's Mask finally after years and years of it haunting me. Let me explain no...let me tell you my story of how The Legend of Zelda came to be in my life. Flash back to the year 1998, I'm 9 years old and my dad who up until the PS3 and 360 generation had been buying my game stuff and as my aunt would say feeding a bad habit. Don't get me wrong, I in no way think video games are bad habit. Can certain games take on a addictive habit? Yes but not all and there is always going to be negatives where there are positives. Anywho my dad had just got us a N64 not long ago and we just happen to go to burleson one night to eat out at a restaurant. Dad surprises me and my sister by taking us to blockbuster, who was back then a powerhouse in the rental era. They carried N64 games and has we looked we both noticed one game that got our attention. That game was the legend of zelda: ocarina of time. We both decided to rent it only. We were in utter awe of it when you got passed the first dungeon. The big wide open space to explore! I swear we probably spent more time running around the first hours trying to see everything then completing the main task at hand. We were in love with the game, we practically begged dad to buy it from blockbuster. They would sell things at a used price if the customer wanted to keep it. We won, dad bought it so we officially had a copy of it. Now fast forward to 1999, I'm 10, I've played titles like Donkey Kong 64, Jet Force Gemini, and of course Legend of Zelda. I still haven't beaten it at this time of course, I didnt beat ocarina until I was I believe in my teens. Anywho fast forward a tiny bit to April 2000. Yall know why that month and year is singled out? That was the year the thing thhat has plagued me for years came out on N64....Majora's Mask. When I got my hands it I loved it, I enjoyed it and I even quickly got used to the 3 day mechanic. However my patience got a bit worn out during my playthrough. Especially when I reached the Stone Temple part. The final time I played it, I was 11 and I finally said I can't do this, I'm done. Everytime I'd get close to completing the temple, the 3 days would be up. I'd get so aggravated, I swear I probably resembled the happy mask sells man when he lost his shit over you not getting the mask back on your first go of the 3 days. I pushed the game away, I didn't touch it after that until now of course. I don't know what it was as a child that that temple was so difficult but of as a few nights ago now, I beat Majora's Mask. I conquered the thing that haunted me in the back of my head for sooo long. I couldn't fathom why is this so hard? What am I doing wrong? To this day, I still dont, maybe I just couldn't link everything together and keep it linked after I had to restart as a child. Maybe I played a game that was a lot more mature for my age. Majora's Mask does have strong themes of death, despair, abandonment, and sadness. I still love the game and the 3DS port was done very well. I will say the swimming mechanic is horriable, I might just be awful at controlling Zora link but omgee, the last leg of the game on the moon was a nightmare for me with Zora Link. I swear I was redoing the same part 10 trillion times. I refused to give up thou. The boss, sort of a let down. His first phase was the hardest but even then it wasn't that hard. His second phase A.K.A the Cassandra phase since he likes to dance like her was the easiest with his third phase falling between the first and second. Maybe he was redone for the port? I never reached him on N64 so I can't say yes or no. I finally can put it to rest, just like I saved Hyrule I saved Termina. 3 Zelda titles down, several more to go!