The weather has improved dramatically this month. We've had over a week of no snow storms, and the weather has made it to freezing or just above for the last couple of days. Woohoo! And I will be starting back at the park in 19 days. YAY! Not much going on for excitement, other than Bandit being firmly convinced that the field is a puppy-swallowing wasteland and not to be trusted. I've packed down a trail going out to the trails in the woods behind the house with my snowshoes, but he keeps stepping off the packed-down part and then flounders around in the deep snow and panics. He then heads back for the porch and looks at me like I'm trying to get him killed. Silly dog.
Watching: Been on an anime kick lately. I'm slightly more than halfway through Claymore, watched Ghost in the Shell (the 25th anniversary edition of the movie), and the first episode of Cowboy Bebop. I also tracked down most of the series V4Viewtiful mentioned in his Top 10 series blog. I'll be working my way through that for a while, I think. On the non-anime front, I watched Snatch last night. That movie is hilarious in a dark sort of way. And it has Jason Statham.Jason watched some movie called Locke when he was here that bored me to tears. It's some guy driving and talking on his cell phone for the whole movie. There's a plot, but that's all the action there is - guy talking on his cell phone while driving. I watched about half of the second episode of that Korean drama I mentioned in my last random update. I like the story, but the cheesy pop music that they used in the soundtrack killed it for me. I caught up on all the episodes of Backstrom, that show's growing on me, and watched the newest Agents of SHIELD. I also started watching a series on Netflix called The Red Road. It's interesting, but I find most of the characters to be highly unsympathetic.
Reading: The Iliad, and I just finished up Wolf Moon by Charles de Lint.
Playing: Still playing Tales of Xillia 2. I'm probably 3/4 or better through the main story. I really like all the characters with the exception of Elle, the bratty NPC who seems to be at the center of the story. I have 95 of the Crazy Cat Lady's 100 cats, and I'm working off my debt like crazy.
Listening: Lots of different stuff over the last week. The Clash - The Story of the Clash, Social Distortion - Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes, and Midnight Oil - Blue Sky Mining in the car, and Huey Lewis and the News Sports, Meridian - Out Along the Headlands, Andrew McKay and Carole Etherton - Silver, Stone & Sand, The Pogues - If I should Fall From Grace With God, and North Sea Gas - The Power of Scotland in the house.
Other stuff: Bought a Crock Pot a couple of weeks ago and used it for the first time a couple fo days ago. Made chicken and stout stew. It's pretty tasty, good thing, because there's a ton of it left over! I got carded buying the stout
, I love it, I'm less than two weeks from my 46th birthday and I'm still getting carded!
Had a great chat via Facebook with my 14-year-old nephew about games. I don't think he really realized how geeky I was before. He's playing Arkham City right now, which is next up on my to play list after I finish ToX2. My other nephew, Austin, will be graduating from high school in the spring and called to invite me to his graduation. That's going to take some finessing, as it's in Kentucky, but I'll make it work somehow.
I also did the bread run at the local bakery for my friends with the farm when they went away for the weekend and their farm volunteers didn't have transportation. We have a bakery in town that bakes all their bread fresh daily, and then they have all these leftovers at the end of the day that they get rid of. Several times a week, the day-old stuff goes to the local food pantry, but it's not open on the weekends, so my friends get it for their pigs. We filled the back end of my Subaru station wagon full of bread, must have been a couple hundred pounds worth. I kept an eye on where one of my favorite kinds ended up and salvaged it when we got to the farm. Meanwhile, my car smelled heavenly.
Well, Pixlbit Nation, I'm going to go attempt to do something productive today. See ya on the flip side!