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GLaD to be going back and forth

On 03/11/2015 at 02:49 PM by Super Step

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Played some more Last of Us Remastered last night and ever since I wrote that article on levels vs. segments for +10damage where I said I prefer having whole levels to get through as opposed to bite-sized segments I've been going back and forth on that opinion. I should have written more about what a huge part context plays in my preference. 

For instance, there was basically a boss I just beat by hitting three times, yet the game lets you hit him once, die, then start back where you left off. This was relieving at first, but had an ultimate effect of making that battle anticlimactic. Meanwhile, there's a long segment of Clickers I have to get through now and I hate how every time I get to the end and one of them hears me because I'm impatient and think I can run to get on top of a truck behind them (I'm dumb enough it took me a couple times to hear the words "here Ellie, I'll give you a boost") I have to go all the way back to the beginning of this hallway under a bridge. 

In the former case, you're in a closed area and it's completely understable of the game to ask you not to fuck up and get caught. In the latter case, it's quite annoying to be so damn far behind where you were when you're basically just walking painfully slowly. This game is still somehow really good at creating tension, but it does deflate a bit when how far your moved back isn't striking the balance you might want. 

Having said all that, TLoU really does get better as you play it and I'm very excited to finish it soon. I thought this would be a one-and-done game for me for sure, but I see muyself coming back to it. And in its defense, none of its segments are as tiny as some I remember from Tom Raider

I also played some Counter Spy last night, which I'm not sure is saving my progress. It generates a random level each time you play, but do you have to get through several random levels in one sitting to get anywhere? I'm not clear on this, but it didn't allow me to continue last time I played despite definitely having beat a level. I love the style and pace of its gameplay. Especially the 2D-to-3D shifts and the fact you're sneaking around, but by no means need to move slowly. Something I really like about Rayman Legends and this game is the fact timing is more of a factor than waiting when stealth segments appear. 

How are you all?




03/11/2015 at 03:35 PM

I'm in a bar drinking beer and waiting for friends. So I'm good thanks 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/11/2015 at 07:45 PM

sounds like you are chilling!  I wish I was doing the same thing!  I miss my friends....

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/11/2015 at 09:02 PM

I can never get on Pixlbit by phone too easily. Whatcha drinkin'?


03/11/2015 at 09:13 PM

It's called Creemore Springs. It's a lager and normally I drink ales but this is a nice Ontario brew 

Creemore Springs

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/11/2015 at 07:47 PM

I'm doing alright.  Didn't get much done today, but I figured out some things I want to do self-publishing wise so I have a better idea of where I'm going with it. 

Sounds like you're enjoying your PS4 though, and that's good.  I don't know if you'll be inclined to try Bloodborne when it comes out later this month or not.  

I did hear the Devil May Cry HD edition is pretty cool though.  

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/11/2015 at 09:04 PM

Bloodborne releases a day after my birthday, so I'll certainly play it. 


03/11/2015 at 09:56 PM

I am great, thank you. I start at the park in 18 days, but who's counting (me, obviously). I picked up my keys today when I went in to visit my boss and took him some of the vast amount of leftover chicken stew.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/11/2015 at 10:01 PM

Are you about sick of winter? Cause I think it looks pretty and enjoy it too, but I'm ready for the cold to go away.


03/12/2015 at 10:16 AM

It's March. OF COURSE I'm sick of winter! I mind the cold less than the vast amounts of snow keeping me from trail running.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/12/2015 at 12:53 PM

See, I'd be more ok with the cold if we had some damn snow to go with it. Dry cold is just ugly and pointless. lol


03/12/2015 at 01:43 PM

We have reached the "the snow is no longer pristine and is instead gray-brown and ugly" phase of winter. It is also crusty and icy from repeated melting and refreezing and just needs to go.


03/12/2015 at 10:39 AM

Everyone that played Last of Us that I've talked to always rave about it. At some point I will give it a try, maybe during the summer when I get burned out on baseball. 

I can't complain so far, its nice outside and its almost the weekend, but I need to eat meat today because tomorrow is Friday Fish Day...blah. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/12/2015 at 12:55 PM

I dunno if I'd rave about it. It has its flaws. But I do think it pulls off tension well and actually uses gameplay to create it.

And woo meat! Yeah, I should probably eat fish tomorrow too. Not enough of it in my diet.


03/13/2015 at 03:05 AM

I'm on a music kick. Bought some CDs, Found a web site that coverts my vinyl LP rips to wav files so I can break them up into tracks and then convert them back to Mp3s. It's fun. I haven't done this kind of thing in a long while. I've been too game crazy.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/13/2015 at 11:10 AM

That's a lot of formatting.


03/13/2015 at 04:51 PM

Yeah! I did only one album last night, but it took me at least an hour. Kind of tedious, but it'll save me some dough.

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