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Captain N's 25 Favorite Nintendo Games

On 03/13/2015 at 01:58 AM by Captain N

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Number 15

 Captain N's 25 Favorite Nintendo Games Logo

I remember back in 2010 when the Nintendo 3DS was revealed. I always get really excited at the announcement of Nintendo hardware. For me, that means more of my favorite franchises getting new games, and maybe seeing new IP’s.

That year Nintendo showed a lot of games and a few franchises that were getting revived too. Like with every announcement of new Nintendo hardware, Nintendo likes to show one game that tells you why you need the new hardware. At the end of their presentation, they showed one game that one was expecting. Kid Icarus: Uprising was that game.

Kid Icarus: Uprising
I was really excited when this was revealed. But before I continue, I would like to point out that I have never played any of the Kid Icarus games I am familiar with the characters thanks to Smash Bros. One of the major complaints I heard about the new game was that it wasn’t a 2D side-scrolling platformer. I never played any of the previous titles but I can see why people were concerned. I’ll admit that I was surprised at the change, but I knew that the only way to find out was to play it firsthand.

The game came in a pretty big box, because it came with a stand to play the game. It also came with AR Cards that I’ll talk about in a bit. I was pretty surprised playing the game and the series for the first time. When you start the first stage, Pit says sorry to keep you waiting, which is pretty funny but true. The gameplay starts off with Pit taking to the skies to fight Medusa’s evil minions. The air portions are on-rails with complete movement of Pit. While in the air, you shoot/take down bad guys with your weapon of choice, while dodging their attacks. The air portions work like a Star Fox game, heck this portion of the game alone could pass for a Star Fox game.

        Kid Icarus: Uprising
Pit also has limits on how long he could stay in the air, so then the game goes into a ground portion after the flying portion. You have complete control of Pit here, you can move anywhere on the ground, while following a linear path. The game is like an action game during these portions and like in the air, you also have to defeat enemies too. Here you can either shoot at them from far away, or get up close a personal with your weapons melee move. Also, the game awards you for exploring. Like I said before, the game follows a linear path, but you are free to explore anywhere on that path. Sometimes you might find a hidden area with bad guys, treasure, or sometimes a hot spring which heals any damage you might have. You’ll eventually end the level with a boss fight at the end, and you basically have to just fight them till you deplete their HP. 

Kid Icarus: Uprising
The game also awards you hearts for every enemy you take down and they are this game’s form of currency. You use hearts to purchase new weapons, forge new weapons, or use them in the Fiend’s Cauldron, which works like Classic Mode from SSB4 where you bet coins. The Fiend’s Cauldron is a feature in the game that allows you to raise the difficulty meter before you start a stage, the higher you raise it, the harder the stage, but you also earn bigger rewards. It’s a high risk, high return/rewards sort of thing. You also get a Challenges Panel here too like in Smash and it works just like it does in Smash. It’s an achievements system that rewards you in game rewards for completing specific tasks, like using a certain weapon to going to a stage in a higher difficulty.

            Kid Icarus: Uprising
There is even an online mode, but I never messed around with it so I really can’t comment on it. There’s also an AR Game in this that you use the included AR Cards included with the game. Basically you scan the cards and 3D models of the characters fight each other. There’s also more but obtaining them might be a pain, this might have been a first generation amiibo system or a new version of eReader cards. Take you pick.

As for the story, it’s surprisingly good. I was honestly surprised at the games story. I can’t say much because I know there is quite a few people here who haven’t tried the game. I can say that the dialogue in this game is really good. In the levels, Pit and Palutena will have conversations and what they talk about is based on the situation Pit is in, this can range from advice on an enemy, an obstacle, a boss, or just too shoot the breeze. Palutena is sometimes pretty cheeky here with Pit, often saying things like she can read Pit’s mind to talking about other Nintendo games. But not only do Palutena have conversations during the game, other characters join too depending on the stage. Sometimes you even have the stage’s boss talking to you both too. It’s something I really like besides the story. It really gives each character in the game personality. The game is also not afraid to poke fun at itself too, often commenting about a lot of the translation errors and more of the original games.

                             Kid Icarus: Uprising
While the game sounds really good, unfortunately the game is brought down by its control scheme. I never really had problems with it, but I have to mention this here. The controls feel really awkward to a lot of people and I know what they mean. Alot of people say the game could have been better with dual analog control, and people say that it could have been possible to implement because the game supports the Circle Pad Pro attachment. It also tires people if they play it in long bursts. And now you know why it includes a plastic stand.

As for my final thoughts, the game is really good. It might be one of the most original games out there on the 3DS. It has great gameplay, a good story, and great character interaction, plenty of content, but the controls might take a while getting used to. It’s a really fun game worth checking out. Not sure if it’s out of print now as I haven’t seen copies of it in stores, but it’s on the eShop. Pit and Nintendo kept us waiting, but I’d say it was worth it, I just hope the next one doesn’t take 20 years.

So, have you ever played Kid Icarus: Uprising? Or any of the previous games? Thanks for reading and later.



Casey Curran Staff Writer

03/13/2015 at 03:20 AM

I liked this game, but don't think I'd rate it so high. The controls were definitely the biggest issue for me, I feel this should have been a Wii game instead, possibly adding in some platforming as well to give more variety. Gameplay was addicting, but the controls brought it down enough to keep it from really being great. They really weren't that bad though if you used the stand, which its heaviest critics seemed to ignore. But the story was definitely a surprise, mostly after the tenth act.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/13/2015 at 07:19 AM

I haven't played this, and I'm surprised you rated it so high.  I've heard a lot of bad things about this game.  But you never know, I guess.  

What's next on the countdown?  Laughing

Cary Woodham

03/13/2015 at 07:50 AM

I did not like Kid Icarus: Uprising at all.  The controls just flat out sucked!  I did like the cards, though.  I've never been a fan of the Kid Icarus games, but I did like the banter between Pit and Palutena.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/13/2015 at 11:09 AM

Never played it, but I was excited when it was announced as well. But I also have heard bad things, as all the other commenters, and am also surprised you ranked this so high. 

I'm a snowflake. 


03/14/2015 at 01:11 PM

I played and liked it a lot. The controls didn't bother me too much and there was lots of things that kept me coming back for more.

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