These will seem like random thoughts to you, but they had to come from somewhere:
- I don't think I could ever pay for a sexual act. I'd be too turned off by the fact I was paying for it.
- Quidditch seems like a fun sport, but I'm very concerned about where that broom/PVC pipe could go.
- Jim Jefferies is a funny man.
- Aziz Ansari is ... ok, I guess. I've seen a couple of his specials now and ... they're alright. I liked the thing he did with taking the woman's phone and reading her text in his last special.
- I wish we could go back to when you could say ANYTHING in a stand up comedy bit and face no real trouble aside from people getting mad. There's a large part of Eddie Murphy's Delirious I have to skip past because it's homophobic as all hell, but I prefer that to every audience under a certain age responding to the slightest bit of edge in humor with indignance. Little shits.
- When someone posts a status on Facebook with way too many ellipses, I can't read it. I just ... can't ... fucking ... do it, Y'ALL?! I can't .... take your points seriously when you seem ... like you're having a damn seizure.
- I think everyone gets pretty shitty about generalizing both white cops and black citizens.
- I wish I had the family friendly humor of Bill Cosby, but I think it's wrong when men sneak up on women and tell them a Bill Cosby joke.
- OU SAE is a lot of letters. Five to be exact.
- I liked that Will Ferrell thing with the baseball and whatnot.
- I just found out I can get a free 30 day gamefly subscription by going to but I'm not sure how much I'll actually be able to use it until my thesis is complete.
Speaking of which, I have over 200 responses and will just have to enter those in over spring break and rewrite and correct/add to the written part. Might be best to do 5 pages a day and about 50 responses a day during the week. Or I could just marathon both at random times as always happens.
- I don't care if people call it hipster mall rock, I kinda like the band Disturbed
- For a non-superstitious person, I do a lot of shit because it seems like appropriate timing rather than thinking it through really hard. For instance, I've never played a Demon's Souls title but will probably get Bloodborne just because of its release date the day after my birthday.
- What are some thoughts you're having right now?