I would like to play some Wolfenstein. And yeah, the optimization thing is part of why I bought a PS4 I hate guess-spending.
Just Checking In.
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![]() On 03/16/2015 at 07:44 AM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
I haven't been blogging much lately. That's partially to do with limited internet that is slow I feel like punching a puppy, work, and just general laziness. Also not feeling like I have anything to say. But I feel I'd better check in anyway.
I've been playing a LOT of Cities: Skylines. It's basically everything the last Sim City should have been - No DRM, No City limits, no dodgy bullshit like being able to have a functioning city with no roads and shit like that. It doesn't have a tutorial per say. It chucks you in and corrects you when you fuck up, and I feel that's a cool way to do tutorials, as it's non invasive, you're constantly learning, and it gives you room to experiment from the get go.
I also pirated Hotline Miami 2 because the developers told me to. It's still banned here because of a scene that's literally less explicit than a scene in the fucking Simpsons and it's not even real within the fictional world they've created. It's a shame, because the game is good. Really. Fucking. Good. Really fucking hard, but satisfying. And they somehow managed to make an even better soundtrack, so there's that.
On my PS4, I've been playing Far Cry 4, Metro: Redux, and Wolfenstein. Wolfenstein was nice, since I had to make it look like a PS2 game to get it working on an AMD card. Seriously, that game is poorly optimised on AMD, and it has fuck all options, so you have to type in console commands to turn off DoF and the Post Processing. So yeah, playing it on PS4 was nice. Playing fps with a controller has grown on me.
Far Cry 4 is Far Cry 3 but better in most regards. It's not as meta, but gunplay is more fun, and the game is just in general a little more batshit than it was before, which is great. And Metro Redux I gave a 10/10 on Plus 10 Damage, and my opinion hasn't changed. It's a modern day classic, and if you haven't played it, remedy that immediately.
I finally got around to finishing How I Met Your Mother. I thought the majority of season 9 was decent, if not great. I thought they handled the weekend spanning a season pretty decently - until I got to the last two episodes. What the fuck.
This next sentence contains spoilers.
So Barney and Robin get divorced literally the episode after they get married. Off screen. With no fallout. That is really, really fucking dumb. I feel like they could have managed that if they stopped the wedding weekend b.s. half way through and slowly showed their decaying relationship, but as is, it's fucking stupid. As is Robin and Ted ending up together literally two episodes after the wedding, and one episode after he met the mother. The show went full retard, just like the fuckwit who gave it a 9.7 on IGN.
End Spoilers
I also watched the first episode of In The Flesh which seems pretty cool thus far. It's about zombies being rehibilitated into society, and it's pretty fucking bleak. Anyway, that's me out.