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Oh how I've missed you Pixlbit!

On 03/17/2015 at 02:58 AM by MrUniverse_

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GOOD EVENING FELLOW CITIZENS OF PIXLBIT!! I apologize for the long hiatus I took from posting in this blog. School has been getting crazy with the homework and such. Usually I write on here to talk about what I've played, bought or thoughts on recent purchases but I've been writing essay after essay after reports and so on. I just get burnt out on writing that I haven't posted anything on here for almost two months.

So back to the usual stuff. Even though school is getting busier, it still hasn't pulled me away from my love for gaming. I haven't bought that much games since I last posted. A few games here and there. At least one every two weeks or so. Hasn't been my usual purchase amount for a while. 

To start off my purchase list, I'll talk about Evolve. A lot of people were 50/50 about this game. The creators of Left 4 Dead were the team behind this game which caught my attention. I loved L4D and L4D2 whether I played it solo or with friends. In this case, I was hoping for more of my friends to get Evolve. There was only a good handful but I still haven't played that much with them. I usually end up playing with randoms and I don't mind. The game is a straight up shooter with a leveling system of your weapons and perks. Yeah things can get repetitive but its still fun if you're into those type of games.

My second game is Dying Light. I was very excited for this game. I liked the Dead Island games but they were still buggy at times. Dying Light is a zombie slasher mixed with parkour aspects. Traversing from rooftop to ledges is exhilarating. Hoping that jump you made will allow you to pass over the group of zombies below you and onto the safety of the open rooftop. The weapon building reminds me of Dead Rising. You get objects like alcohol, electronic parts, string and others to make upgrades for weapons. There are also blueprints to collect and earn from doing quests and side quests that will give you a receipe to make a weapon build. It's a solid $60 purchase.

Third game is The Order: 1886. I know there are those people who refuse to buy this game because of it's length. Honestly it doesn't bother me at all. I mean there are games like Journey that were amazing and only took a few hours to complete. I knew I wanted this game from the start. I was excited for this when they first announced it at E3. I wasn't going to let people on video game forums and websites change my opinion. From what I've played, it's a really good game. I got hooked into the story fairly quickly. There are a few games I'm juggling around so I play this game in 30 min bursts. Maybe even longer. From what I've played so far I know I'll pass this game, put it in my shelf and pick it up again to pass it on the harder difficulty in a few months or so. Just like what I did with TLoU and Infamous.

Now, this game I had no intention of buying whatsoever. And that game is DragonBall Xenoverse. I just thought of it as another DBZ game like the ones on 360/PS3. I didn't really care for them. But for some reason I saw a lot of news about this game. So it caught my attention and I bought it. It brought back so many memories. The last time I played a DBZ game was the first DragonBall Z Budokai on PS2. The game is very accerlerated. Just like the anime. You go through the story of DBZ and the greatest part of the game is the fact that you can customize your character. There are different races you can create your character from. So far I've only created a Saiyan but I plan to create the race that Frieza belongs to.

Recently I was able to find physical copies (with their cases. I'm a video game case nut) of Dungeon Hunter Alliance and Army Corps of Hell for the PS Vita. These were a few among the launch games when the Vita first released and I didn't really pay that much attention to them but it was great timing now because they were really cheap at my local Gamestop so I decided to give them a try. I also found a cheap copy of Ys: Memories of Celceta (physical) and finally got my hands on Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment (digital) during the PSN Birthday sale. Almost forgot. I also got Helldivers the week after that Birthday sale. 

Since my post is already pretty lengthy, I'll just sum up my recent purchases. Since I'm posting this on a night with multiple releases, I'll mention that I just bought Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, Final Fantasy XV Episode Duscae and Battlefield: Hardline. I was definitely getting Type-0 because the fact that they finally released the Japan exclusive PSP game and remastered it for console blew my mind. It was a definite buy for 2015. And as a bonus you get the demo for Final Fantasy XV called Episode Duscae. I was on the fence about BFH because I barely played BF4. I put in around 25 hours into it. I played the Alpha and Beta of Hardline and had a great time with it. But it didn't justify a purchase for me. So for the past few days I've been watching Twitch streams of people who had early access to the game and it just looked like fun. I also picked up BF4 again and started to enjoy it a lot. So I just decided to get it.

Next week I will definitely be getting Borderlands The Handsome Collection. FF and Battlefield will help me get through the week until then.



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