Gears of War: Judgement comes out this Tuesday. I’ll be holding off on it, but would like to get it later down the line, preferably if I have a friend to co-op with. But one thing about this game bugs me: That the developers thought Baird of all people deserves to star in a spin off. Baird is a bad character even by Gears of War standards.

Say what you want about Marcus Fenix, he fits the game well as someone who has gone through hell and back a few times. Baird, there’s nothing good about him except when Marcus tells him to shut up. So here’s five characters from other games who do not have their own game, but I would rather play as than Baird.
5. Nix (Infamous 2)
Look at that. Just fucking look at that. That has to be one of the worst character designs ever. Nix was a terrible character somehow made by the same guys who gave us Sly, Dimitri, and THE MURRAY! In fact, I may even say that she’s even more annoying than Baird. But she does have superpowers, which would make me want to rather play as her than Baird.
4. Johnny Sasaki (Metal Gear Solid series)

Johnny appears in Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2 before 4 fleshed out his character to turn him into a pussy. Want to know what he did in these two games? Shit himself. Still better than Baird.
Waluigi (various Mario spin-offs)

Ah, Waluigi. There was a Wario in Mario sports games, so there had to be a Luigi counterpart. The guy we got was the character no one picked. Still, a platformer with him would be better than Gears of Baird.
2. Disciple (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2)
He looks like Michael Bay with a lightsaber and his personality’s even worse. Obisdian kind of tried to make the whole naïve, but smart in other ways with a good heart guy, but it just didn’t work and made you want to test all your dark side powers on him. Basically as annoying as Baird even though it's in a different way. But he does have a lightsaber. Thus, he’s better than Baird.
1. Desmond (Assassin’s Creed series)

If there is one character who really cuts it close to being as bad as Baird without getting his own game, it’s Desmond. Well, technically you do play as him and control him, but it’s all about the ancestors he’s reliving. There are a few moments in the later AC games, but they always take a backseat to his ancestor, just like how you could technically play as Baird in Gears 3. Still, I had at least accepted that I would play as him for a full game at some point, can’t say the same for Baird. In fact, when I get around to Gears Judgement, I’ll make sure to have a friend play as Baird so I can take over COLE TRAIN BABY!!!!