On 05/08/2020 at 09:15 PM,
Cary Woodham
While not quite as popular as they used to be, Loot Boxes are a recent craze as of late. They’re boxes full of themed items that you either order through the mail, or get in a store. Most of the time you don’t know what you’re getting, but sometimes you do. The themes in these boxes range anywhere from video games, movies, or just dog toys and treats. I’ve been tempted to get loot boxes from time to time, but I usually don’t because I like to know what I’m paying for, and many are just too expensive. That loot box at PAX South that had Mega Man on the sides was mighty tempting, but not at 50 bucks! However, there have been a few times in the past year or so where I bought a loot box sold in the games section at Wal-Mart or Target when they were on sale. Why did it take me so long to write about them? Well I thought I’d save them for a rainy day, and now seems about as rainy as ever. Also I have a selection of random games I’ve reviewed at GamerDad.com as well, and just like loot boxes, you never know what you’re going to get until you check them out! So please click on the links and read as many as you can, and maybe post a ‘like’ or comment or two. I’d appreciate it. OK let’s begin!