Great episode guys. Loving every episode. Upset I missed last weeks Stage Select but it's been hectic here. This weeks tough but an excellent topic. I'll have to think about it. I'll probably put some down now but if I get to really thinking about them, I'm sure I'll change it up.
Stage Select:
3. SA-X (Metroid Fusion): Metroid has always made Samus the strong badass bounty hunter. Fusion makes her very vulnerable and the prey to be hunted by a mirror copy of herself. Except this version is scary and relentless. Your first glimpse of SA-X is shortly after you take an elevator ride down. The scene stays there a moment longer then usual when the SA-X breaks into the scene fully suited in Samus's iconic armor. It turns to look at the player and a quick cutscene let's you look into the cold lifeless eyes of the deadly parasite. It'll be a pain in your ass for hours to follow.
2. Green (Gunstar Heroes): Gunstar Heroes has some fun bosses but none are as cool as Greens Seven Force Mech. Gunstar Heroes does a thing before every boss battle, the calm before the storm, where it tells you the bosses name and throws you a list of its attacks. While you're riding the train rails, you see the words, "The Boss is Approaching." Then you see it rattle off one form, then another, then another until it lists all 7 and you're wondering what the hell is about to go down? Your old friend Green comes flying out and jumps into air as his Mech forms around him and the battle begins.
1. Dante (Devil May Cry): When it comes to character introductions, few do it better than Capcoms Devil May Cry series. There's probably a dozen excellent choices throughout the series but I'll go with the original. Your first intro to Dante shows him casually speaking to the woman who just literally broke through his front door. She proceeds to attack him and uses his giant sword against him by impaling him then shocking him. She tosses her motorcycle at him and he laughs it off by pulling out his signature pistols and blowing it away. Next scene he's pulling out that sword still in his chest and continues keeping his cool. I can't recall any other character intro that made me smile like that.
Cage Match: The amount of shit that the Assassins Creed series keeps trying to shovel down our throats with their insane interconnected plot could only be handled by a licensed plumber with decades of experience. I think we all know at least one....