Yeah, it's fun once you get the hang of the controls. Really enjoying it myself.
Yeah, it's fun once you get the hang of the controls. Really enjoying it myself.
I think it'll go down in price this year since the NX is next year. Games will be cheap too, so maybe wait if it goes on sale.
Well, for now I can say they work fine in my opinion. It takes a while to get used to them though.
Thanks! Yeah, I never shown a picture of myself, but I can grow facial hair, and alot of people tell me I look way older than I should. On some ocassions, they think I'm my dad's brother.
Game Maker is exactly what I'm using, I tried dabbling in the freebie version, loved what I could do and bought the cheapest one for now, which was 50 bucks. That is amazing, never played Symphony of the Night, but always heard how amazing it is, may need to try that one of these days. And yeah, it really is hard doing everthing yourself, my brother is doing the art for it, so that takes a bit of load off the work, but I still have the heaviest job in programming everything.
That would be cool if you want. I'll see if I can get a bit of something playable, and definitely hook you up somehow, and anyone else who might be interested. Good luck on your games too man.
Thanks, that'll give me a nice boost!
That's really awesome, hope you enjoyed it. That is awesome, I bet she looked really lovely as Rosalina, wish I could of seen that. If one day I get married, hope said girl cospalys as Rosalina for me ;)
Thanks! Yeah it isn't that bad, and certainly hope I still have that much way to go!
Thanks! And no, unfortunatly.