Unfortunately, I think episode 1 is the weakest. I hope it doesn't deter people from wanting to play the rest, because man, the rest is pretty good.
You bastard. I applied for that months ago. Overwatch looks sooooo good.
Unfortunately, I think episode 1 is the weakest. I hope it doesn't deter people from wanting to play the rest, because man, the rest is pretty good.
You bastard. I applied for that months ago. Overwatch looks sooooo good.
I think having a campaign works better imo. You get to see how stuff is done and you get some ideas of what/how to build before you start. Gating through time is just irritating.
Played your level. It's... not easy. And yeah, I unlocked everything. I have two levels up now. My first was:
6C56 0000 00EF F6B9
It's not amazing, just a simple obstacle course.
The other level is:
6705 0000 00fo fo2b
It's a bit better I think. A bit harder too.
My favourite curse is also my least favourite curse: Dark Souls. There's the curse of the undead, which is the main plot stuff, but you can also become cursed which halves your health. AND IT STACKS!
We mentioned it at the end of the podcast. I think it's metroid other m. Don't know if I'm back or not. Need to talk to Casey on that one.
You should. They hold up reasonably well, there are just a few things that aren't quite up to modern standards. But they play pretty well.
Abe's Exoddus, because you could control your own farts and use them to blow up enemies. Hey, I was 7 when ps1 became popular.
Other than that, Silent Hill. As a kid I got really into horror because I read the goosebumps series and then graduated to Stephen King. I played Resident Evil first and thought it was cool and all, but Silent Hill's demo gave me proper nightmares and I couldn't finish it.
I thought that was fucking awesome. Like in a "Dude, this games so scary I couldn't even finish the demo!" kind of way.
Fallout? Yeah. I've beaten 2, but 1 is a bit too outdated for me personally. I've also played a decent amount of tactics.
Dude. It's fucking Fallout. The only game I'd be more desperate to play would be Dark Souls.