But it has soldiers and lots of green! That makes it the same thing!
But it has soldiers and lots of green! That makes it the same thing!
When I look at a game like Monster Hunter, I see so much potential and so many possibilities, that, to me, it's disappointing that Monster Hunter 3 (or Tri) is where the series is at after several iterations. Without having played any prior Monster Hunter titles, Kathrine and I both agree a lot of the game mechanics feel stale and out of place in this console generation, and my guess is that it's because Capcom hasn't altered all that much from the original, successful formula.
Also, there's no question that there isn't fun to be had with the game's online multiplayer mode, but truthfully, virtually any game with co-op becomes fun, simply because gaming with others is always a fun thing to do. What's not fun? No ability to create private rooms, or password-locked rooms, so any person can barge in on a room on a relatively empty server, taking a spot in the room meant for a friend. Could rooms hold more than four people, that wouldn't be a problem, either, but as it stands, a few people behaving annoyingly make the experience a little more mediocre than you'd imagine, especially when these random people aren't very good at the game.
Turns out you can see what people are wearing! Lucky us, we figured out that tapping the D-pad while viewing an online player's page can show their gear.
Whether or not a lot of games have the issue doesn't matter so much t me. This game still has it, as minor as it is, and so we mentioned it.
I didn't even find the way until just now, searching for it, but really, the point we were trying to make was that it would be nice if each weapon was a little more individual from other ones in it's grouping.
For instance, I've had three versions of the paralyzing flower hammer, and all three look the same to me.
Every army game I see leaves me thinking of Toy Story. Still, I always thought these games looked familiar to what Battalion Wars became.
Well, I know how much you like them, so I suppose I better!
It's comments that needs some work. Seems like everyone wants to read, but doesn't feel much for discussion.
Sometimes they make me talk to myself!
Regardless, I'll also be playing the import version, so Nick and I will at least talk about it at some point, too.
I think we're always a bit chipper to talk about the little things that annoy us with various games. That could very well be why.
We would've been extra chipper had we had listener mail!
Does that count as mail, right there?