Gotta love free stuff!
Gotta love free stuff!
Sure sure, but he's not THE Mega Man.
Everyone is so negative on that version of Mega Man - I think he's my favorite character of the game. I'd much rather have that than yet another standard, plain jane Mega Man iteration. I'm more angry about his omission from (Ultimate) Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
If they would've just allowed you to create a save state, I think they could've skirted the need to do auto or quick saves. Loading the save state would delete it, so you couldn't abuse the function to make the game easier.
But yeah, outside of that, it's not a game built for the portable platform and it shows.
Glad to hear you're re-equipped on the 360 front. Definitely some good stuff already releasing and more good stuff on the horizon. Now, to your questions.
1) I bought my Vita online and I must say, it was quite convenient. I paid the extra dollar or two to Amazon and I got it around 5PM on launch day. I camped out for the GameCube, DS, Wii, and 3DS, and that was all good fun, but these days, I think convenience is king especially with a kid. Speaking of which...
2) I'm more concerned about my son grabbing them and ingesting or losing them. They are really small and will easily be lost if not in the case, just like you said.
3) I've done plenty of very long gaming sessions (I'm looking at you Metroid Prime Trilogy Marathon Weekend), but it's always resulted in just exhaustion and not much more.
Here's to hoping this one is true. Chessa and I have wanted this remaster more than any other (except maybe the Team Ico one). HD will do this series wonders.
Figured that this had nothing to do with the Double Fine Adventure.
Confirmed, so excited!
This is incredibly exciting. A great, untapped time frame to set this game - here's to hoping it's true.
The two companies are managed separately, though they are both under the same umbrella company, Vivendi SA. As such, I don't think anyone but the parent company would have any say in any decisions made in regards to staffing.
I will say that this is a damn shame to hear. That's a lot of lost jobs in a very tough economy. I wish everyone who lost their job luck in finding a new one.