Great podcast guys. How the heck did I miss so many great anime game options? Odin Sphere and Dark Souls should have made my list. Dans always been entertaining in Giantbomb. Hearing him talk himself out of then into something on a dime is hilarious. Most recently him eating a pickle. I have to say that I miss him in Giant Bombcast though. I felt he would really meld great with Beastcast since hes funny and over the top like their crew but it seems like he's been more of a background character on there. It's really unfortunate since he was regular a highlight on Bombcast. What's your thought on that Julian?
I definitely have to check out Hellblade. Seems right up my alley. I will probably wait for a sale on it though since it's digital only. I buy almost all digital only games through sales unless it's something I'm really anticipating.
Horizon is an amazing game that I feel will always be compared to Breath of the Wild and therefore inferior. Though I'd easily pick Horizon over BotW. The story in Horizon is very interesting and I loved the way it played out. I'm looking forward to a sequel more than Zelda. Hopefully they don't both come out within 2 weeks of each other again. Though that's improbable since Zelda won't come out for another 7 years.
Stage Select:
1. Samus (Super Metroid): Gamings greatest girl needs a spot on here.
2. Pyramid Head (Silent Hill 2): One of the icons of horror games would be awesome. Its practically finished if we can just import it from Egypt.
3. Tetramino (Tetris): Any shape except the square. Damn you and your brethren square!
4. Amaterasu (Okami): The Sun goddess deserves a spot and everybody loves dogs right?
Chrono Crossing: Tetris
This game defined the game boy. It's gameplay was addicting and the music still plays visibly in my mind. This original version may still be the best version of the game possibly only losing out to the Tetris DS game that sprinkled Nintendo themes into it.