So is my show. And my favorite shows are things like the Bombcast, the Comedy Button, and Rebel FM, so bring it! :P
So is my show. And my favorite shows are things like the Bombcast, the Comedy Button, and Rebel FM, so bring it! :P
As a fellow podcaster I'm looking forward to listening to your show. Downloading the newest episode as we speak.
I liked FF XIII-2, but I'm right there with you on the ending. I knocked off from my score because of it. But I enjoyed the journey there. Of course, I love FF X-2, so I'm a little bit of an anomaly when it comes to my Final Fantasy fandom.
Clearly you did! It was amusing to me how offended and angry most reviewers seemed to get with this game. Yeah, it's juvenile, and yeah, it's not in good taste most of the time. But a lot of the reviews I read sounded like they were coming from 60 year old grandmothers instead of 20-something games writers.
I feel all warm and fuzzy inside now. :3
I'm honestly stunned, overwhelmed, happy, and a million other things at the level of activity and friendship I'm seeing. It's almost too much to take in, especially with previews to edit, a podcast to record, and a review in the works. The staff is super energized, and we're on our way to pumping out some great new content for everyone.
If your blogs are half as entertaining as this one, I think you'll have a lot of happy readers.
Our own Travis Hawks has a cool previewish thing for Etrian Odyssey IV coming tomorrow. Please look forward to it!
I wasn't the one that pushed the game on her, but I nudged her along. She wasn't exploring the extra dialogue and as such didn't get a good sense at the depth of the world at first. I also think that Mass Effect has never done a good job of teaching people how deep the combat system is. Once I showed her how to pause the action and set up commands and utilize all of her abilities she really got hooked.
It's been a long time since I really was passionate about a console. I preferred the PSX over the Saturn and N64 but I never wasted any energy bashing them. I liked the PS2 over the Xbox, but I also owned a Dreamcast and a Gamecube. I own all three current gen systems, but prefer my 360 most of the time.
But I do believe that competition brings the best out of everybody. A lot of Sega's big moves stemmed from the company having a goal of selling one million consoles in the West. And I think Nintendo rose to the challenge and not only pumped out some amazing games, but did some agressive moves with pricing. I got my SNES in 1994 and it came with Super Mario World, All-Stars, and Kart, which convinced my mom that it was a good value.
Consumers need to feel like they've made a good decision in the purchase of a console, and I don't know if people feel like that these days. Microsoft has been lax with exclusives and Nintendo let the Wii kind of peter out. I like what Sony has done with PS Plus, and I don't think that would have come along if there hadn't been so much sentiment that the 360 had a better online service (at least for a long while).
I'm very excited for the PS4. I may even buy it at launch. But of course I need to see what Microsoft is offering up, which should be pretty soon.
I wouldn't say it's a bad game by any stretch, and I hope the review didn't read as such. It's just an odd game, considering it retreads so much with no explaination for new players. But I know my review is on the low end, so depending on how much you love Corpse Party 1, it might be worth checking out later.
And good on you using the headphones. That sound design is amazing.
Nice to see someone else that's keeping Austin weird on this site. Welcome!