Super excited that House of the Dead 4 is finally hitting home consoles. Only took 7 years!
Also, http://hotd.ytmnd.com/
Super excited that House of the Dead 4 is finally hitting home consoles. Only took 7 years!
Also, http://hotd.ytmnd.com/
Nice list, all great games. Personal opinion, but I found Persona 3 to be a better experience than Persona 4. Both are extremely similar in terms of gameplay and narrative, but Persona 3 had a number of subtle differences that made it a bit more fun.
Of course, if you already have Persona 4 in the backlog, I say go for it. You might find yourself so in love with the series you need to play more. If so, Persona 3 oughta fill that void. You can safely skip the other 3 entries, as they are pretty old school and at this point share very little with the Persona series in particular. They do fit in well with the rest of the MegaTen games, if you're into that series.
As far as Psychonauts goes, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised if you enjoy both the humor of Double Fine and 3D platformers in general. I strongly associate the game with the summertime (probably due to the summer camp setting), but it's a good game to play no matter the season.
Care to share your thoughts?
Dumbledore's dead!?!? You've turned my world upside-down.
Yeah, Lesnar fight, totally bad idea...
who's Lesnar again?
Yeah, they really needed an anchor title for that region, which I don't know that they have. I'd love to see the system get a price cut in general, but I have my doubts that it'll happen in the US anytime soon. Unless of course Sony wants to have an Ambassador Program of their own.
Glad to hear you like them! It was a bit tough to implement, which is mostly why (Reply To Commenting) has never been there before. I figure it's been long enough without it, so it was time to get it working.
Thankfully it only took a day to do, so no big deal all things considered. Plus I got to write a really badass TreeBuilder and Flattener. It was fun. /programming nerd
I just snagged a copy to make sure I had it just in case Nintendo decides to have it pulled down.
Anything in particular I stated that was untrue? Just because I don't typically like these types of games doesn't mean I went into this experience with any particular expectation. As a matter of fact, I had no idea what type of game it was when I started playing it, it simply came in for review.
Of what I remember, the game was shallow and completely devoid of enjoyable gameplay. Sorry to hear that you think the review is useless, but simply because we don't see eye to eye on its quality doesn't mean the review is without merit.
Hopefully they don't target anyone since all of these companies stopped backing the bill. Only certain parts of Sony are still backing it, but none of those are the gaming segment.
More PSN outages hurt players too, I wish Anonymous took this into account.