City is generally seen as the best of the series, which is why I have it as #1, but Asylum and Knight are great too. You're entitled to your opinion.
City is generally seen as the best of the series, which is why I have it as #1, but Asylum and Knight are great too. You're entitled to your opinion.
Ultimate Spider-Man is really good, but Spider-Man 2 started the whole open world thing for future games. It was the catalyst and that's why it's on the list.
I remember him from the cartoon. He's so gross!
It would be cool. But I doubt it'll happen any time soon.
Pro gamers can complete it, but it takes some serious skill and patience. For the average person, it's unplayable.
I'm surprised you haven't heard of this game bc it's in the "top worst games ever" list. Seriously. Well, now you know. I've never read Silver Surfer comics though.
The game itself is quite infamous. It's funny, but the composer is mostly known for this game. Sometimes bad games have great music.
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse is a great 2D game where Wolverine is awesome and brutal.
This is one you want to miss!
This was my experience when I first bought a cart of the game last year. I thought it would be great, but was disappointed after playing it once or twice, so I put it down.