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Super Step's Comments - Page 118

Episode 154: Imagine Dinosaurs

Posted on 06/22/2019 at 09:18 AM | Filed Under Feature

Nier: Automata is one I really need to get back to. love the  opening section and how much the gameplay changes up. 

Episode 154: Imagine Dinosaurs

Posted on 06/21/2019 at 09:05 PM | Filed Under Feature

I've been mostly playing GameFly rentals recently, so I'll just give you brief observations on those. 

Dead or Alive 6 was actually a very solid and smooth fighter, it just didn't have enough content out of the box for me to not trade it in for Soul Calibur VI

Soul Calibur VI is addictive as hell, despite the fact I might actually like the fighting in Dead or Alive 6 more. This is due to presentation, a ton of story content, and the game allowing me to go on an epic, souls-n'-swords journey with a green afro'd character named Jamborino. This is one I will likely buy when I have the funds. 

Red Dead Redemption 2 didn't fucking work. You don't want to know how much shit I had to try in order to get it to work. I didn't even know "Install Discs" were a thing for consoles. It was like having all the issues of PC gaming, with none of the payoff. I still REALLY want to play it, but dammit it better work next time. 

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is beautiful and has a lot in common with Horizon: Zero Dawn ... which just reminded me I still need to finish Horizon: Zero Dawn, as I believe it's the better and more original game of the two. I'll have time to play it in July, so fingers cr ... oh, wait, Judgment releases on June 25. Sorry, Horizon: Zero Dawn. It's not your fault you released the same year I rented Yakuza 0. None if this is your fault. I'm so sorry ...  

Iconoclasts was pretty cute, charming and funny, and I liked the characters and mechanics. But I got stuck on a puzzle, and when I get stuck on a puzzle in a game I rented, that's game over for me. 

Madden NFL '19 has actually been way more fun than I was expecting. I used to play sports games with my older brother and friends way more often and just stopped as I got older, but I feel more in control of what happens than I used to in previous entries. 

Also, while it's incredibly cheesy and cliche and should REALLY let you skip the overlong cutscenes, I like that they've added a story mode in the form of Longshot, which also has some helpful tips for beginners like me. It was also cool seeing *looks up on Imdb* Bobby Fish from Luke Cage (actor Ron Cephas Jones) coaching the Dallas Cowboys for a hot second. 

I expected to return it pretty quickly and cancel my membership, but they got me with the half off for next month and I'm still having fun with it. I might play with my brother during my stay in Dallas for part of the summer. Lord knows I need to keep my gaming as cheap as possible, since the university isn't paying me until October, even though I start work in late August. 




Episode 153: Squinting Through Rose-Colored Glasses

Posted on 06/21/2019 at 08:41 PM | Filed Under Feature

Dear Booky, 

I want you to know my new theory is you're Nick. 

Borderlands 2, Beaten and Thrashed

Posted on 06/21/2019 at 12:48 AM | Filed Under Blogs

It's gotta take a hell of a lot of man hours to make a game where the voice acting isn't repetitive after you play it for that much time.

Borderlands 2 Talk

Posted on 06/20/2019 at 01:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Do I need to play BL1 and how long is BL2's single player?

Impossible Nightmare - Ninja Gaiden for the NES

Posted on 06/17/2019 at 08:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I wonder if you got to the point where they had to re-play it like 27 times on AVGN to finally beat it. I remember bats being involved. 

Am I Just Too Weird for E3?

Posted on 06/16/2019 at 01:50 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It's up there for sure. I was definitely one who hated those first screenshots, cause I expected more realistic visuals and thought the art style just looked goofy. I changed my mind when the actual game came out and blew me away by looking like a well-done, playable Disney film.

Ironically, I remember becoming obsessed with cel-shaded graphics and looking into or renting anything I could find with a similar art style, cause I thought it looked so cool in games like XII, Okami, Viewtiful Joe, etc. Those games were distinctly different stylistically from each other, but that was part of why I liked cel-shading so much at the time: it would really bring out the personality of a game. 

Special: Wherein We Vamp For About 45 Minutes Before the Show

Posted on 06/16/2019 at 12:23 PM | Filed Under Feature

This opening sounds familiar ... as does the close ... hope Patrick's ok!

I didn't realize what a hassle rafflin' could be. 

Borderlands 2, Again

Posted on 06/15/2019 at 10:06 PM | Filed Under Blogs

So you don't keep Game Pass games for as long as you have Game Pass, a la PS+? I didn't realize there was that much of a difference between these services. 

Borderlands 2, Again

Posted on 06/15/2019 at 09:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You going back to Borderlands 2 reminds me I should go back to my Yakuza games I haven't fully beaten (meaning haven't finished all stories; not sure I care to get the Platinums) before Judgment releases. 

It's good to have a game or franchise that's just super reliable. Sounds like both series are humorous as well, which goes a long way. I still need to start playing my Handsom Collection again. 

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