Thanks for reading! Amiibo figures are getting harder to get lately!
Thanks for reading! Amiibo figures are getting harder to get lately!
I'm reviewing Space Invaders Invincible collection right now. The game cost you 60 bucks? Holy cow, that's WAY too expensive for what you get, especially when you consider most of those games are practically the same game. They really could've added more games to it, like Space Invaders 95: Attack of the Lunar Loonies, which is Taito's answer to Parodius. Or maybe the WiiWare only Space Invaders Get Even, which is probably lost to time by now. Or maybe Arkanoid vs. Space Invaders, an interesting mash up of both Taito classics.
The only other Centipede clone we had was Bug Attack on our Apple ][+. It had three stages. First you shot wandering ants while the most horrid version of "The Ants Go Marching In" played in the background. Then you shot a centipede in the second stage, then moths in the third. All the bugs would throw knives at you, which I always thought was weird as a kid.
When I was a kid and my family would take to me an arcade, I'd go straight to Pac-Man, my mom would hop to Frogger, and my dad would make a beeline for Centipede. That was one of his favorite arcade games and I even got him the NES Millipede game one year. I wish I could play the new Centipede game: Centipede Chaos, which came out in arcades recently. The little stools you sit on the arcade cabinet are little mushrooms!
True. In the last couple of months, I've heard from an acquaintance on the internet who is doing podcasts now as well, and I haven't heard from him in nearly 20 years!
I don't like Thin Mnts or anything with mint in it, really. I'm sure you're OK on your snacking. I've seen what you grow in your garden and what you cook on Facebook, so by now you should be Super KnightDriver!
I always wanted to review Cluster Truck, but was never able to. I did get to review its spinoff game: Snakeybus, though.
I bet I know exactly where you stopped on CrisTales! At the end of that area I ended up having to run from the last few battles to make it past! Learning curve is a bit steep there and they don't give you any chance to really heal and grind. I played for a good while after that, but stopped around the time the new Ace Attorney game came out. We'll see if I go back to it.
Those are some interesting picks for top five consoles! We share the same likes of the 360 and PSOne. The N64 was great, but it was the first console that caused me to want another one, which is when I bought the PlayStation. I never had a Genesis as a kid, nor did I have a 2600. My first home console was actually the 5200. I didn't have a 2600 because our first computer, the Apple ][+, had better games on it.
I'm curious to know what your top five favorite games of all time are now, from our first episode. Even though I haven't posted a blog about it yet, Episode 3 may be up right now. Thanks for listening!
I just finished writing my review of CrisTales. It's a good game, but has too many problems to keep me glued to it. Also the new Ace Attorney game came out, so that may have something to do with it. :)
Here's a trailer. I love this game!
Did you know there's a Phoenix Wright vs. Professor Layton game on the 3DS?
It's called Picross S: Genesis & Master System Edition.