Well thank you! I credit it to my nearly nine years of telephone customer service job experience. :)
Well thank you! I credit it to my nearly nine years of telephone customer service job experience. :)
Who else is sharing stuff they've created?
I've been curious about those Blaster Master Zero games. I never got into the NES game, though.
I've been playing the heck out of the new Ace Attorney. Love those games!
Did you see that Picross game that has SEGA characters in it?
If you get a chance, please check out my new podcast. I've written a couple of blogs here about it recently!
I'm curious to see what those Zaccaria tables look like.
Right now I'm mostly playing The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. Man I love these games!
I'd still like to do videos someday. Maybe I'll start by putting the podcasts on YouTube. I've seen where people do that.
Writing is still my forte, which is why I write outlines before recording these podcasts. But I'm not going to let whatever my voice sounds like keep me from trying to do a podcast. And if I can do videos someday, I won't let what I look like affect me either! Really the biggest challenge is finding the time to do these things!
I don't think you HAVE to have an app to listen to it, though. I can listen to it just fine on my devices just from the web sites.
Yeah it seems making a podcast is a lot less involved than making a YouTube video. At least from what I can tell. The biggest challenge is finding a time to meet up with Jeff or one of my other brothers to actually record!
Thanks for listening! I hope you can check out episode 2 soon!
Jeff has made it so you can play the podcast in lots of ways, so hopefully you can continue to listen to other episodes!