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SanAndreas's Comments - Page 13

E3 is DWI...

Posted on 03/31/2023 at 05:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think the last one I really paid attention to was E3 2013. That was the one where the PS4 and Xbox One were showcased, and Sony absolutely roasted Microsoft over their policies on Xbox One used games, "always on" Internet, mandatory connect, and "TV TV TV." I think E3 2015 was where they had all those Kickstarter games. The Wikipedia edits were pretty funny, too.

Random thoughts after a long absence

Posted on 03/30/2023 at 09:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I hope to see you here more often, though I see you in other places. That said, self-care is key. 

Episode 245: Justin's Stream of Consciousness

Posted on 03/29/2023 at 06:32 PM | Filed Under Feature

Stage Select:

Parasite Eve on PS1 came with a demo disc that had videos of Final Fantasy VIII, Bushido Blade 2, and Brave Fencer Musashi, but more importantly, it had a playable demo of Xenogears, up until the Gears attack the village. Xenogears was a pleasant surprise that became one of my favorite PS1 games and was the forerunner to one of my current favorite series, Xenoblade Chronicles. 

Dragon Quest XI S had a great demo on the Switch, and you could transfer your progress to the final release.

Speaking of Dragon Quest, I got a demo for Dragon Quest VIII on PS2 which really sold the game for me. And the final version of the game contained a playable demo of Final Fantasy XII, which was a great twofer.  The DQ8 demo played up to the first boss, while in FF12's demo, you could pick between two different areas with two different sets of characters.

Doom Episode 1: Knee Deep in the Dead was a shareware title composed of the first eight levels. A lot games from id Software and Epic Megagames, as it was called in the 90s, were distributed this way, with the full releases being episodic as well.

Cage Match:

It takes a lot more than virtual tiddies and azz to make a game these days, and there are plenty of games that offer that in more robust titles. So I'm going with Super Mario Sunshine. It may not be Mario's best game, but it was emblematic of the experimental nature of some of Nintendo's Gamecube classics, and it is still a Mario game. Fun fact: I actually have Tomonobu Itagaki on my Facebook friends list.

Episode 243: I Love It When A Plan Comes Together!

Posted on 03/19/2023 at 11:14 AM | Filed Under Feature

Stage Select:

Lynels in Breath of the Wild. It's satisfying to beat them after a hard battle. Also, they gave me a hard time in the original NES game. 

I like setting God mode in classic Doom games and playing them on Nightmare difficulty, where they respawn, and setting up a bunch of infighting. The best places to do this in Doom II are Level 17, Level 18, and the Cyberdemon and Spider Mastermind in Level 20, where you can watch the four toughest monsters in the game kill each other over and over again. Usually Cybie kicks everyone else's asses and it takes them a few rounds of respawning to take him down.

The "Mover" enemies in the Northern Cave of Final Fantasy VII, mostly because you can power-level materia with them by loading the materia into your triple-growth weapons. They give out 1000 AP each. 

Cage Match:

Imma go with the Easter Bunny because Cadbury Creme Eggs and Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs. 

Retro Review: Alien Storm

Posted on 03/19/2023 at 02:32 AM | Filed Under Blogs

It was basically the Aliens arcade game with the serial numbers filed off. Except that I enjoyed that game.

Somerville and Truberbrook

Posted on 03/18/2023 at 12:32 AM | Filed Under Blogs

It was an interesting game. The main character's diary included with the game (which also served as a form copy protection) really throws the whole plot into question, namely, is he a hero or a delusional sociopath? The game's ending never really answers that question. 

It did have a pretty great soundtrack for a mid-90s PC game, composed by Matt Seldon, who only composed for a few games before leaving the industry (he actually posted on RPGCodex in response to inquiries as to what happened to him) to pursue other projects. 

Somerville and Truberbrook

Posted on 03/17/2023 at 12:25 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, stuff like that is why I have such a hard time getting into adventure games. Text adventures exhausted all of my patience. My dad and I played a British point-and-click adventure called Dreamweb in the 1990s, it was really easy to miss stuff, and you had to do a lot of pixel-hunting on top of that. It had a great soundtrack, though.

New Games 'N' Stuff

Posted on 03/17/2023 at 12:20 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Nintendo shadow-dropped Metroid Prime on the eShop during a Direct, and announced a cartridge version to launch two weeks after. Scalpers snapped it up. It was showing up on eBay for $80 the day it launched. However, Nintendo did promise restocks, and it happens that Walmart got restocks in my area. So holding out for a physical restock worked quite well.

I missed out on all the Xenoblade Chronicles collectors' editions. I did snag both CEs for the Switch Fire Emblem games, however. Trails to Azure is a niche title and so most of the copies that shipped on launch day were pre-ordered. Nintendo products and niche RPGs are a good idea to pre-order. I won't preorder anything else anymore. No point in it. 

New Games 'N' Stuff

Posted on 03/16/2023 at 10:32 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Definitely looking forward to Advance Wars. I'm enjoying Fire Emblem Engage immensely.

My most recent acquisitions were Metroid Prime Remastered and Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure. Metroid Prime Remastered wasn't available for about a month due to scalpers. However, my local Walmarts seem to be getting it in stock now, so I picked it up there and am playing it now. Forgot how brutally hard the Phazon Mines are.. It would be nice if people would stop buying from scalpers, but what are you gonna do, I guess.

Donkey Kong - The Low Effort Gamer Show

Posted on 03/13/2023 at 07:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

L.A. is only a four hour drive for me, so it's basically a weekend trip.

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