I will be reading a few reviews before I get this game.
If Nintendo Pokemonifies Mario Kart I will not buy it for the 3DS.
I was playing Faxanadu all day yesterday.
Oh snap, I've been wishing for something like this to happen to Okamiden, and it might just happen. Just another reason to hold myself from buying a 3DS.
I can't think of anything at the moment.
Awesome! Congratulations, Nick and Chessa. Live long and prosper, kid.
I have yet to play Psychonauts, or Brutal Legend, but I do have to agree with Nick in that they should stick with their PSN/XBLA titles because they are good games.
Awwwww, I was hoping for a Geometry Wars 3DS.
I wouldn't call it a complete failure, but I believe that most publishers just aren't willing to divert funds to learn if they can still publish a game that came out at least 10 years ago.