Also, can we get Firaxis to make a Mass Effect SRPG when they finish up with this one? That would be awesome, thanks.
Also, can we get Firaxis to make a Mass Effect SRPG when they finish up with this one? That would be awesome, thanks.
Dark Souls sits unopened on my shelf. I want to finish Demon's Souls first. I really need to stop bargain hunting, lol.
Rob continues to troll me on PixlTalk, so I gave a shout out to the newest episode.
Yes, we are totally talking about boobs. Boobs that Felicia Day totally has, despite what Rob says, lol.
I approve of this message.
Also: She looked stacked as hell during this week's Fave Five.
This is a superior port of the arcade version, and I'm not sure if this affects everyone, but that release doesn't acknowledge that I own it. It says it's the trial version. There used to be a workaround to get it to play, but since Live got updated that no longer works. I have the same problem with Streets of Rage 2, but I'll be buying the SVC collection for that series, too.
I did, and this is a better collection. Besides the fact that this is the arcade edition of GA, the options you have to tweak the display make all the difference.
An artist that did some work at Vigil was saying on Twitter that he doesn't think THQ even has enough cash on hand to ship Darksiders 2, so it's really hard to say what will happen.
Yeah, the Aliens arcade game was pretty awesome, too. It was basically a Final Fight-style beat-'em-up with guns.
My favorite Alien game is actually Alien 3 on SNES. No, not the Genesis version. The SNES version had an awesome Metroid-style layout and some amazing graphics. But I agree with 117...Alien Trilogy was a helluva scary FPS.