I still have fun with the MP, but there is too big of a gap between them.
I still have fun with the MP, but there is too big of a gap between them.
Okay, it's just that's not the impression I got from reading your blog. Also, I disagree that it's fair to criticize it for inventing those things. Those things work perfectly in Halo. For that game, it was good they were invented. If they weren't invented, the FPS's that copied those systems would copy something else that fit as equally terribly or may have even made a completely different type of game that was a mess in its own right. Like I said before, it's like hating Resident Evil 4 because you hate survival horror games turning into action games.
I definitely prefer Halo to CoD and Battlefield too.
I try not to get bothered either, it's just people thinking something with shit or no reasons to back it up then saying it's their opinion can get a little annoying.
4 was good still. Just not great. I mean, it has the replayability the others did for me, so it did something right.
Yeah, the weapons are a big deal for me too.
That's one of the reasons I like your work, you always try to give a positive outlook on whatever you're writing about.
I can get that. I just get bothered when people act like this series should have never existed in the first place is the thing. It's a great series.
Actually there was a Shadowrun FPS on PC and 360.