That was one of the most requested games in the chat for the Nintendo presentation. Odd that they didn't at least announce it.
That was one of the most requested games in the chat for the Nintendo presentation. Odd that they didn't at least announce it.
Yeah, I tend to stick to my XBLA games, but I feel like PSN gets way more of those really unique, thoughtful games that you don't see anywhere else. It reminds me of the quirky style that the PS brand had back in the PSX days.
I think the concept of needing to connect a controller to a system via a cable during gameplay is kind of ridiculous in 2012.
Of course, this is the first step to the multi-touch, longer battery life redesign of the gamepad that comes out in a year or two.
Impressive. But SE has barely been able to produce assets for current gen tech. I shudder to think how long it would take them to make a Final Fantasy game that looks like this. Ten years? Twelve?
I don't give a flying frak about UFC, but the fact that this confirms I'll never get a sequel to WWE All-Stars makes me a sad panda.
Oh, this looks fantastic. I wonder if Patrick has been paying attention to this one? It reminds me of Closure.
How far did you play? It took me a few levels to fall in love with it.
You need to play Blood Money. Yes, you. As for me, looking forward to playing Hitman 2 and 3 for the first time.
Baird > Marcus.
I still need to finish Gears 3, so I don't think I'm ready for more of this franchise. But more Baird is a great selling point for me.
That's a good thing. Uncharted took the Tomb Raider formula and modernized it, to the point that many criticizms of Underworld (a game I loved) was "it's not Uncharted enough".
This game looks incredible. It's one of my most anticipated games, and the weight of the scene where she kills for the first time is exactly the type of emotion I'm looking for in my games.
Those wolves look awful though. I can see why it was pushed back.