SC2 is a five star game as well. It had everything the original had, plus a few extra modes and awesome new characters.
SC2 is a five star game as well. It had everything the original had, plus a few extra modes and awesome new characters.
Link is amazing in SC2! The perfect choice for a Nintendo character, although it would be pretty sweet to play as Ganondorf too!
Playing as Link in SC2 is awesome. Wouldn't it be cool to play as Pac-Man? Dream on! He doesn't have a sword or some kind of weapon to use.
It's a really fun game. I can only imagine how stunning it must have looked back in '99. I remember being very impressed with SC2, but I missed out on the first one.
It is. You can play two player on both. Power sonar probably. . . makes your sonar more powerful, right?
True, but hopefully Nintendo will release new games on mobile, not old ones. I believe that's what they're planning on doing anyway.
Steel Diver is very different, but it is a sub game for a Nintendo handheld.
Oh, you got me! I wanted to go to CaryCon too! Watch anime and play games? Awesome. But also too good to be true. Oh well.
It is fun, also tough, and the music is great. You would like it.
Dude, why are you down on the lady??? lol