I seriously considered naming this episode that, but decided that it might not be received very well out of context. But yes, pre-show talk with Nate is always interesting...
I seriously considered naming this episode that, but decided that it might not be received very well out of context. But yes, pre-show talk with Nate is always interesting...
Hurry up everyone, we're going to be closing things out at the end of Friday night!
Ahahahaha. I can taste the FF7 fanboy tears.
Wow, this game continues to strike me as unbelievably ambitious. People asked for a change to the Zelda formula - they're definitely getting it.
November can't come soon enough!
This trailer makes me a whole lot more excited for this game.
Well this was the news I was waiting for. It's an official peripheral and its already got some pretty strong support. Redesign is undoubtedly on the way.
Nintendo can blame the investors all they want, but they ultimately control the product and should've just pushed it out for a late 2011 release if that's when it would've been ready. Next to the Virtual Boy, this must be the most blundered Nintendo product launch ever.
I'm really liking the way this game sounds. Weapon wheels, no max carry restrictions, auto-upgrading weapons based on usage, split screen local co-op, no recharging health - it sounds like a modern rendition of a classic shooter. I'll have to pick up all of the games in the series, but I look forward to eventually tackling this one with Chessa in local co-op.
Killzone 3 was good, animefunda, but it was more in the vein of Call of Duty. I had originally thought these two series were competing ones for Sony, but they seem diverse enough that they likely cater to entirely different markets.
And once again, great work on this review, Jesse.
I have Legacy of Kain on the Dreamcast and I've wanted to play it for ages. I never really followed the whole series and didn't even realize that Blood Omen was a Silicon Knights game! I knew they had some connection with the series, but I was never clear of exactly what it was. Now I do.
Given that's the fact, I'm going to have to check out the game with Chessa. We both enjoy Silicon Knights' work, so it should be a treat.
I agree, the price of admission on this is way too high. If it gets under $10 I'll probably grab it since I love the first, but at $15 it's out of the range I want to pay for a downloadable game.
That thing is super fugly. Just wanted to mention that. That being said, I kind of want one anyway, though I'm disappointed that Nintendo seems to be struggling so badly with this system. After the unbelievable success of the DS, I expected Nintendo to really hit the ground running with the 3DS and we've seen nothing of the sort. It's especially disappointing when you consider that they should've learned their lesson with the launch of the DS.
If anything is evident to me, it's that the 3DS wasn't ready for prime time when it launched. It probably should've stayed in R&D till holiday this year and came out strong with a healthy list of AAA Nintendo titles.
I have to wonder what's going through Nintendo's head if a redesign is announced at next week's press conference. At that point it's essentially a relaunch and twenty virtual console games isn't going to quell anyone's anger about having an inferior, gimped version of the hardware. If that is the destiny of the system, this peripheral better be sent to all current 3DS owners for free.