I can tell! Thanks for all the info, I really don't know much about Namco games. Activision did indeed release a collection on PS1. Here it is:
I can tell! Thanks for all the info, I really don't know much about Namco games. Activision did indeed release a collection on PS1. Here it is:
Absolutely! You can tell it's a love letter to the fans instead of a quick cash-in.
Love this game! It really was impressive back in the day, and holds up well (the graphics are a little dated, yes). Honestly though, I've been playing Tropical Freeze, and that game is far superior to the originals in level design, creativity, and unlockables. But the original game will always have a special place in my heart (plus the music is truly amazing).
Cool. That opening must have been amazing back in the day. I did choose to only include songs with English lyrics, but Japanese lyrics are good too.
It's simple yet amazing and very funny.
Oh man, that is classic! Thanks for sharing!
Wow, thanks for all that, Cary. I'll have to check these out. I didn't want to include gibberish lyrics since they're not real words, although the made up language one from Legendia is pretty neat.
I just bought DKC: Tropical Freeze myself and am loving it! Indeed it is hard, but also awesome! Love the mine cart levels, pure crazy.
Honestly, I'm not a fighting game person either, but I do enjoy some of these classic ones. Smash Bros. is my absolute favorite, though it is quite different from a typical fighter.
It would've been understandable for them to overlook the SNES, but I'm glad they didn't. It shows what the system is capable of, even if it is in agony some of the time.