I normally like that too. Just don't think it works for Sonic as well.
I normally like that too. Just don't think it works for Sonic as well.
It's awesome. Should be on sale on Steam at some point this sale.
Lol, that's funny. Have you played Gunstar Heroes though? It does a pretty great job of earning its spot at number two.
I can get through the Lion King levels I have permanently etched into my brain just fine. It's the later ones I have trouble with.
I'm not that big of a fan of PS 1-3. 4's the only one I like.
I actually wasn't a fan of the levels being connected. I liked the idea of Sonic being so fast that he was moving quickly between vastly different areas. 3 and Knuckles had interesting ideas, but I think Sonic works better when it's simpler. Throw too much stuff in and it just gets in the way of the speed.
I plan to get all of those at some point after I get a Retron.
Ecco's definitely not for everyone. There's just something I really love about it.
It really is nice that Sega gives us all these collections.