Thanks man!
Yeah try the steam games, they're quite helpful in understanding the rules.
And nice. I haven't read American Gods, though I've heard great things about it.
Thanks man!
Yeah try the steam games, they're quite helpful in understanding the rules.
And nice. I haven't read American Gods, though I've heard great things about it.
Indeed you should, it's awesome. How are you enjoying the PS4? If you've got blogs about it link them :)
Never tried the meds. I've always stated I don't want them. They might help, but honestly, most of the time I need sadness to function. When I'm happy, my writing sucks, my music sucks, and my jokes suck haha.
Thanks for the follow! And the support. I gathered a fair few people around here would struggle with it, it's something that seems to be drawn to people who write or have artistic desires. Sucks that you're struggling with it. I've always turned down the meds, but I've never tried them, so I don't actually know how well they work.
And pixlbit is pretty damn awesome. I shall follow you back too.
Thanks man, that means a lot!
Honestly, I'd been thinking of leaving Plus 10 Damage and trying to join this site for a while, so I might take you up on that offer in a bit. How much content do you require a week and of what sort of quality/topic? I mean, obviously gaming, but how much news/reviews/editorials are expected?
No, they just cut a lot of writers who weren't contibuting as much and bringing in some people who could contribute more regularly. They said they'd be happy to give me a reference, but since me and some others were becoming too irregular we had to leave. It's fair enough, they are trying to get a new site off the ground, and it's hard to do that without regular content.
And yeah, I don't understand people who are offended by dark humour. SUre, it may not be for everyone, but is a coping mechanism for so many people. I mean watching the Justin Beiber roast with that comedian who kept joking about his dad dying in 9/11 was awesome, but a ton of people were offended by it. Fuck them.
And yeah, I've been thinking of trying to join this site as a staff member for a while, but didn't know whether I could juggle both Plus10 and this. Well, I guess that problem is solved now.
Yeah she's my grandma. And she's not quite beating me but she's getting s little too close for my liking...
So easy to go nuts on steam. Glad you seem to be enjoying pc gaming! You gotten into humble bundles yet? And you need to play some paradox grand stratgeies if you haven't already.
Far Cry 4 is still the best looking game I've played. Hands down. I also got mightily addicted to it but then wore off it about half way through.