We never get any decent snow falling here in Oklahoma anymore. Just sleet and ice. I miss it! My son and I got in to see Wreck-It Ralph on the last day of it's run at our theater. We both loved it,so now we want it on Blu-Ray.
We never get any decent snow falling here in Oklahoma anymore. Just sleet and ice. I miss it! My son and I got in to see Wreck-It Ralph on the last day of it's run at our theater. We both loved it,so now we want it on Blu-Ray.
The bow is my favorite weapon to use. Can't wait to upgrade it. Hunting is a lot more fun than I thought,too. I don't hunt in real life, don't consider it a sport as some do. Not until deer have high powered rifles,anyway. If I had to do it to survive I could,though. Just not killing animals for the sake of killling. I agree with you about the cussing thing. Thought Lara was a proper English lady. That seems out of place for her to do.
I went to your page and read how you describe your life. I don't have all the kids you do,but I identify with a lot of what you describe there. Especially the part about collecting. Sometimes I look at my collection and think.....hmmm.....maybe someday....err. Then I have to go work! I'll be the biggest gamer at the retirement village,you'll see.
I went to your YouTube playlist and gave it a thumbs up. Lot of great music in this list. I agree about Sandy Denny. What an amazing voice. Lorna Campbell is another one I really dug. But I think Hedy West is the most interesting one of all. Something very traditional about her tone. Very soothing and sweet.
Every time you try to play it's a crap shoot. Just dumb luck if you can get the game online. EA says they are working tirelessly to correct these issues. I read a news story this morning that even some of their employees are furious about this disastrous launch.
Not a whole lotta love for EA.huh? People are being downright nasty toward them this week. I did read that they treat their employees like cattle. Kinda like Wal Mart!
I would probably like it,because I really loved Dig Dug. Can't believe I have never heard of this one. May have to do some investigating into that series. I'm usually pretty good at that sort of game.
Holy crap that's cool! Had not seen that until now. I held off on getting the collector's edition and I'm kinda glad I did. Had no desire for some massive tin. The figure of Lara will be available to everyone very soon. And it won't cost 40 bucks. Which is basically what you'd pay extra for the collector's edition. The game itself is what counts. Best thing I've played since Halo 4 was released. Both are just epic.
Gotta admit,you have really good taste in music. I like all of the stuff you talked about. Never been a big fan of jazz music,though. With two exceptions. John Coltrane and Miles Davis,both are legends. I went through my entire childhood and teen years being a total metalhead. My brother got me into Black Sabbath when I was in 7th grade. I know what you mean about the depressing stuff. Don't care for that much either. Most metal I listen to now is more positive stuff like UFO. I cannot stand bands with screaming singers. You can rock hard and still sing. Doro Pesch certainly can,she's just incredible. Oh...and Sinatra is great. One of a kind performer. Never will be another one like him. Though many try to.
Great choices all around. The music of Silent Hill 2 is very haunting and memorable. Sticks in your head for a long time after playing it. Max Payne was like that as well. Kinda spoke to what a tormented wreck of a human being Max was. The Sonic games you mention all had amazing music. Only game I can think of offhand that you didn't name here is Parasite Eve. It had an amazing closing piece.