I don't know that there is a movie of his I've seen, but I do know who he is, and just how much time and effort must be put into stop-motion animation. Sorry to hear this.
I don't know that there is a movie of his I've seen, but I do know who he is, and just how much time and effort must be put into stop-motion animation. Sorry to hear this.
Yeah, I don't know that I'd like it better than the first one, but to each his own.
I don't even remember that much about two, except: bad guy was Whiplash, Don Cheadle replaced Terrence Howard and they had an army of Iron Man suits/War Machine, whatever, there was a car race, and Bill O'Reilly was in it for some strange reason. Also, Cheadle crashes Downey Jr.'s party at one point. Outside of that, details are hazy for me.
I'd imagine either it's "real," or Microsoft "leaked" it so people would stop saying always-online was their plan.
Wait, next gen consoles are going to be powered by what?! Awwwww yeah!
That's possible, yeah. Here's an example of the most hilarious "I'm being fired ahead of time" gag.
My belief level was at 35%. It is now at a healthy 10%, just to be safe. I'm also 78% certain the Sun revolves around the Earth, and everything around me is being created by a brain inside of a tube.
In closing, Sigmund Freud was right about everything he ever said.
Virtually killing people? I think you mean literally there, whatsacow. If that is your real name.
I'm a smart person and I agree about the intelligent frugality behind Nintendo Direct.
I've always liked that Neutral Milk Hotel song, but never listened to the full album. I did find PBR to be an acceptable choice of beer when I drank it from what I remember though, and I have thought of buying vinyls and a player for them. Uh oh, I might be turning into one of them hipsters Sneen was mentioning! lol
Also liked the Bent Left, Lucero and Light Years songs.
Man, it's been forever since I've played a Rayman, but I remember it being so fun. One I played was on N64; I also just randomly remembered Gex existed for some strange reason.