The final boss in Shinobi was a pain for me.
I can't wait for Star Fox Wii U! Myiamoto's working on it, so you know it's gonna be good.
The final boss in Shinobi was a pain for me.
I can't wait for Star Fox Wii U! Myiamoto's working on it, so you know it's gonna be good.
I would love to play the Star Fox 64 remake.
3D Land was very easy, but I guess it didn't bother me bc the game was so fun. It seems like it's a dumbed down version for kids, but I still really enjoyed it.
Could you share that Christmas memory?
Metroid Other M is a good game. It's fast, intense, and fun. The story is just awful. So you should enjoy the gameplay aspect.
There are a lot of great games on 3DS, so you gotta build up that collection. But 3D Land MK7 are both stellar.
They really milked the most out of Rayman 2. Lots of ports, but I guess that's because it's a really good game.
Well, I love the oldschool FF games, which is why I loved 9. It does everything right and the characters are just great.
I would like to get Spyro 2 and 3 as well. I love everything about the game which you mentioned. It's solid.
Make that holiday PS1 Day, and play some Spyro!
Crash Bandicoot? He's just an animal; Spyro is a dragon!
Yeah, try it out. Spyro certainly is adorable.