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Esteban Cuevas's Comments - Page 15

Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus Review

Posted on 03/02/2012 at 02:43 AM | Filed Under Review

I can respect the gameplay and the technical prowess that went into creating the visuals but Ninja Gaiden has always been too hard for me. I've never tried the Sigma version of the game, though; just the original and Ninja Gaiden Black on the Xbox.

The lack of a quick save type feature is disappointing. Something of that nature should be standard in all handheld titles.

Lumines: Electronic Symphony Review

Posted on 03/02/2012 at 02:38 AM | Filed Under Review

Lumines really belongs on portable systems, as I loved the PSP original but was gravely disappointed in the XBLA title. This seems to reaffirm this as Lumines: Electronic Symphony looks like yet another awesome title for the Vita.

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend Review

Posted on 03/02/2012 at 02:34 AM | Filed Under Review

I loved the console version so much, I'd probably pick up this handheld version too.

Touch My Katamari Review

Posted on 03/02/2012 at 02:22 AM | Filed Under Review

Despite the asinine micro transactions being implemented with the DLC, this looks like a fun Katamari game. I haven't played one since We Love Katamari and this looks like a real solid entry in the series. The stretching of the Katamari ball looks real cool and the timed levels seems perfect on a handheld.

CONFIRMED - Assassin's Creed III to Take Place During Revolutionary War?

Posted on 03/01/2012 at 05:07 PM | Filed Under News

Dumb and Dumber reference?

Stan Lee Playable In The Amazing Spider-Man

Posted on 03/01/2012 at 11:28 AM | Filed Under News

If they can put in Rocket Raccoon in the game, they can include Stan Lee.

CONFIRMED - Assassin's Creed III to Take Place During Revolutionary War?

Posted on 03/01/2012 at 10:53 AM | Filed Under News

That sounds like the best explination I could've gotten. Hell, I haven't even seen those movies. *shock and awe*

CONFIRMED - Assassin's Creed III to Take Place During Revolutionary War?

Posted on 03/01/2012 at 10:35 AM | Filed Under News

This does look really awesome. I just wonder how Desmond will fit into this since this is his last adventure, allegedly.

Issue 77: Lucky 7s

Posted on 03/01/2012 at 02:11 AM | Filed Under Feature

Did he really need to mention the 3DS did 3x the sales of the Vita right after the 1.2 million sold announcement and only a week after its release in America? Anyone can see how that could be perceived as undermining.

Also, I feel it is feeding trolls when you respond to over 25 tweets bad mouthing you. To what extend do you need to back up what you're saying to so many people?

Issue 77: Lucky 7s

Posted on 02/29/2012 at 11:09 PM | Filed Under Feature

From where I'm coming from, Rich's initial tweet didn't bother me but then my twitter feed started filling up with all these retweets with responses and it seemed like he was unnecessarily feeding the trolls, sort of speak. Furthermore, right before you recorded this podcast, Jason, I listened to Nintendo Voice Chat on IGN and he was on there basically saying I remember last year when the 3DS wasn't doing so well. This means he empathizes with the state of the Vita right now. So why are you antagonizing that fan base if you don't feel that way? I'm talking about the responses that follow, mind you, not the initial tweet.

I personally don't like the launch of either handheld (3ds didn't have games, Vita has too many additional costs) but as someone who actually wants a 3DS now, I'm not going to sit back and say "The 3DS sold more copies than the Vita in half the time. Therefore, it had a better launch." That's like saying, "The crap I took last year is better than the crap I took right now." Not to get too crude but that was the first example that came to mind.

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