I like random battles. People say that it's better when you can see the enemies on screen, but I see two problems with that. 1: Most games that use that encounter type invariably put enemies in such a way that you'll have to encounter them anyway. 2: Why would you want to avoid battles? In an RPG where you need to fight to get stronger, you're just setting yourself up for needless grinding in the endgame. Assuming that the encounter rate and XP gain is smooth, of course.
In old-school RPGs, I never run from fights. I may even spend a little extra time in each dungeon just to get some extra XP. So that element of this game wouldn't turn me off. One question though-is the exploration in first person like the first Persona game? That's the only one I ever played, and I found the first person exploration of school hallways to be boring and a little confusing.