Unfortunately, no. There's no indication Activision had a say in this.
Unfortunately, no. There's no indication Activision had a say in this.
I think you can. Just embed the video or audio in a post.
That adorable, giant, single eyeball just lights up my day.
According to the test given here, I'd give this game a half star. One star if you consider the fact that I don't hate QTEs, I just don't like a lot of them. Julian, you and I already had a discussion about this game when the demo came out so I'll just leave it at that.
I like the style this game is going for. Something about it just makes me smile. This is definitely something I'll keep on my radar.
That's a persuasive argument if I've ever heard one. I'll definitely try Mirror's Edge again. I'll rent it or something. It definitely seems like the game had a profound effect on you. Might I suggest a blog post of your own? I know you said you don't write much but I'd love to hear more about your experience with this game.
Care to explain? Mirror's Edge was always a title I wish I could enjoy.
I agree with you on the relationship between Elika and the "Prince". That was the focus of the first blog in this "series." (I don't know if I'm going to make this a series. I'll just writing as it comes to mind.) That is still the strength of this title in my opinion. The environements and the way they're presented is fine but the character exposition is sublime.
Mirror's Edge was a game I didn't like because although the graphics were nice and the premise was interesting, it just didn't work. I always had trouble perceiving how close I was to ledges, how far gaps were and I constantly died over simple obstacles like that. Didn't care for the control layout either. Prince of Persia may not focus on gameplay but they're functional and relatively familiar. It's a shame I couldn't overcome its design flaws.
Thanks! I used to write more before but my desktop PC broke so it was difficult to. Now that I have a new one though, expect to see more posts from me!
Apparently not.