I thought you'd say Doom haha. I feel like you're going to hit me, but I've still never played a Double Dragon game. I was brought up on Streets of Rage and always told playing Double Dragon was blasphemy lol.
I thought you'd say Doom haha. I feel like you're going to hit me, but I've still never played a Double Dragon game. I was brought up on Streets of Rage and always told playing Double Dragon was blasphemy lol.
Pretty sure your favourite game is the oldest :p. Oh well, so far mine is the newest! Opposite ends of the spectrum unite!
Yes, and I am going to get that remake ASAP. Seriously, I've never played it, but I need to. I played the original when I was 8 (played my uncles copy) and it helped cement my love of gaming.
And yeah, A Link To The Past is my second favourite Zelda after Majora's Mask. Or is it after Windwaker? Windwaker is so awesome.
Haha I'll accept it. The series is supposed to be being rebooted either this year or next isn't it?
Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal is one of my favourite games. I love it to pieces! And it has so much replayability! It was like one of the only "violent" games I was allowed to play when I was a teenager, so I played the hell out of it.
Nice! I didn't know it was on DS. Might have to grab it haha. I haven't played it in ages, but you're right, it is fantastic.
Persona IV is fantastic. The themes, the art style, the characters, the batshit insane story... ah, Persona 4 really is golden!
9 is seriously awesome. I prefer VI, but IX is still fantastic.
Also, did yousave just before the boss or did you replay the game in it's entirety? Because that would be some seriously awesome effort haha.
I do need to replay it sometime. I did adore it back in the day, and I'd love to see it now with what I know about gaming now.
I've actually never played it. Yeah I know, I should hang my head in shame.
FFVI is by far the best Final Fantasy. Feet freak me out though haha.