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Michael117's Comments - Page 17

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Review

Posted on 11/14/2014 at 11:21 PM | Filed Under Review

This sounds great. I definitely have to wait to play this whenever I get a current gen console. I heard that the nemesis system was completely scrapped for the last gen versions, so I can't see how it would be worth playing. Without the nemesis system it's not even Shadow of Mordor.

The Weekender 11/14/2014 Edition

Posted on 11/14/2014 at 11:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I worked graveyard shifts doing dishwasher/janitor work during weekends at IHOP when I was in highschool, with the sole purpose of saving up money to buy my first xbox 360, which I did. That ended up being the first time I ever bought a console with my own money so I have fond memories of that part of it, but everything else sucked. I hated being on my feet for so many hours, going home at sunrise, and most of all the soaps irritated my skin and made me break out in rashes and sores. Everything about that job sucked but I still got what I wanted. Sweet video games.

"Keep"ing the Identity of Dragon Age Intact

Posted on 11/14/2014 at 10:59 PM | Filed Under Feature

The Keep looks nice, but I'm also going to be playing on 360 so I won't need it. Whatever year I end up getting a PS4 and buy that version of Inquisition I hope the Keep is still functioning so I can use it. 

My Alien Isolation Desolation :(

Posted on 11/05/2014 at 10:17 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I was lucky I never had a single issue with Alien Isolation. But I have some huge bugs in my game of Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare that have made me stop playing it. I really wanted to play that expansion too. 

Came Back from Belgium and Other Updates

Posted on 11/05/2014 at 10:12 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Glad you're doing well and that your travels went safely, Alex Smile

Episode 57: Hallow3en Havoc

Posted on 11/01/2014 at 05:59 PM | Filed Under Feature

I was super creeped out by the ratman easter eggs in Portal 2. There was a hidden room that you can get to via light bridges in one testing room, and once you got up into the hidden area really creepy music played. Then once you left the room the entrance disappeared and you couldn't get back in. It was really surrealistic the way they designed it, and it sends chills through me every time.

The Portal games are really unsettling despite how much they appeal to comedy. The cuteness is only skin-deep in that Portal/Half Life universe (remember how Portal 2 established that they take place in the same universe? So weird.), and all that cuteness is just a thin veil on top of a deep under-current of tragedy and desperation. When I think of how it makes me feel to be in the Half-Life/Portal universe it kind of reminds me of The Walking Dead mixed with Halo except it's much darker because it doesn't have any of the hope and spunk that Halo does. In Half Life 2/Portal the world has already been conquered, the whole human race is oppressed, and on top of that there's supernatural things like the Gman that have yet to be explained.. It's actually a pretty heavy and dark world they've built. And all of that says nothing of how traumatizing and super heavy the ending of HL2: Episode 2 is.

The rat hordes in Dishonored also scare me a lot. It's terrifying when a rat horde spots you and begins descending on you, leaving you frantically looking above you for some place to teleport to higher ground.

Morrowind was really scary to play because the first dozen hours or so is like a survival game. Just playing on easy or normal difficulty is still brutal because you start off the game with a super weak and slow moving character (due to low athletics skill, low skills across the board really). And you earn very little gold from quests and everything in the world is expensive. Health scrolls and potions are prohibitively costly and hard to find, and just exploring from point A to B is a gamble with your life. Morrowind was my first Elder Scrolls game so on top of how difficult the game is there was also that fact that everything was a mystery to me. Tons of systems and flexibilty I didn't understand, lots of nuance and freedom that was enticing but dangerous. The flying cliffracer enemies were the worst in the early game because you can't often see them, they just swoop in from nowhere to kill you in packs. I always ended up running back to town looking for shelter or trying to get guards to save me.

Half Life 2 is probably the most startling and creepy game I've ever played that isn't really meant to be a horror game. The design of the combat and the encounters with monsters is perfect at engaging my fight or flight response and getting under my skin.

Everybody knows that We Don't Go To Ravenholm is the horror level with all the zombies in the dark town, but most of that game is also pretty unsettling. In Highway 17 there are sections where you have to jump from rock to rock because if you touch the sand on the beach it will summon a bunch of ant lions to attack you. The level Highway 17 is outdoors and it's huge like a Halo 3 level, but there are a lot of little optional places to explore as you make your way through. When you're driving down the highway you can choose to stop at country houses right on the beach at your own peril. One of them is full of zombies but you won't know that until you're already deep into it and trapped. That's probably the most memorable section of the whole game for me. Highway 17 is fantastic.

Alien Isolation

Posted on 10/27/2014 at 05:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks! I appreciate that. Smile

Alien Isolation

Posted on 10/27/2014 at 10:56 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I agree with all of that so hard.

PT was the perfect length. That's a great example of an experience being super effective and not overstaying its welcome.

Glad you liked the review! The first hour or two of Isolation is fantastic. You don't actually encounter the alien until 2 or 3 hours into the game, so they spend quite a bit of time building mystery, tension, and establishing some of the characters. Right from the moment you get out of the cryostasis tube the whole game is steeped in atmosphere and personality. It definitely feels like it's in the Alien universe.

Alien Isolation

Posted on 10/27/2014 at 10:53 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Glad you liked the review, Rodney! I haven't tried the first DLC but I own it. I may start that first DLC soon to see what it's all about.

Alien Isolation

Posted on 10/27/2014 at 10:50 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks Chris!

I can see exactly where you're coming from on the check-point issue. The fact that I died so much in the game made it a little bit gamey for me, and made it a little more mechanical and less organic, but I still ended up loving it a lot. I was still terrified and full of dread though pretty much the whole game. The more I died in the game, the more I....didn't want to die lol. If that makes any sense. Having to retry areas over and over led me to experimenting with tactics and gadgets more often than I probably would have.

I'm a person who likes to play old school Splinter Cell and Deus Ex games by ghosting through the whole level and never having anybody know I was there, and if I could've done that in Isolation I probably would have. Which isn't really what makes the game good, so I'm glad things are tough in the game you get spotted quite a bit and killed, or chased. The best parts of the game are the dread you feel when you're like, "Shit I don't want to get caught by something..." and then you do get caught by something and you get the adrenaline rush, fight or flight experience of, "What do I do now? Is there a vent nearby?! Do I have a molotov I can toss at something?! I just want to live!"


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