I definitely don't like Tekken, but I can't complain about a new Capcom crossover fighter. I'll be interested to see how the Namco version turns out, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
I definitely don't like Tekken, but I can't complain about a new Capcom crossover fighter. I'll be interested to see how the Namco version turns out, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
The cheaper price really plays no part. It's a bad game no matter how much it costs.
When I first saw this game at last year's E3 it was a poor Punch-Out!! clone. Now, instead of cloning one game poorly it has mashed up a number of games poorly, producing something that's completely unenjoyable. There are most definitely better Wii fighters out there, and if nothing else, Soul Calibur 2 for the Cube.
This pricing is ridiculous. Microsoft really needed to come in at $100 or less if they wanted to gain some real marketshare.
The Kinect game pricing is also out of whack. Those should really be $29.99 or less. I can't imagine they will even provide a full-fledged experience.
It seems that this one has fared better than the Xbox 360 title. It's a bit basic, but for kids, it's a pretty solid game.
I always enjoyed Risk as a kid, but I haven't played it in ages. Maybe I'll grab this at some point during a sale as it seems like the optimal way to play the game.
Color me interested. I really wonder how they are going to change everything up and make "dreams com[e] true."
I guess we'll see where it goes, but it better not be a f*cking MMO.
The getting of the Party Bus achievement was epic. I'll have to tell the story of that one on the next podcast... whenever that is.
I'm eventually going to have to get one of these. For right now, I can't say I need it because my Classic Controller already gets it done, but this one does seem nice.
Persona 3 ... **gargle**
I'm getting a strong poor man's Soul Calibur vibe from this game. I guess we'll see what the deal is now that it's out.