A lot of big games at that. The 3DS is already shaping up to be a killer system. I'm really looking forward to its release which I have a feeling is going to be this year.
A lot of big games at that. The 3DS is already shaping up to be a killer system. I'm really looking forward to its release which I have a feeling is going to be this year.
In single player mode, you can hop between the two characters. In multiplayer, one player controls Donkey while the other is on Diddy.
So it's similar to past DKC games when you are a single player, but multiplayer is actually cooperative, unlike before where you had to wait for one player to die or complete a level to take over. Well, I suppose you could hit select to switch, but when did that ever happen?
I believe Phil meant shooters with that statement. I adjusted his article to reflect that.
This one seems like a huge disappointment, based solely on the fact that it isn't a faithful recreation of the original.
Don't worry, your time is coming! Mortal Kombat Trilogy and Mortal Kombat 4 on the N64 are both pretty solid games.
So I went back and played some more today... it's amazing. I'm completely pumped for it, especially after playing the mine cart level.
Correction no toad. Daisy is the other character.
I'll have to check out this interview after the craziness of E3 is over. From when I've heard about it, some really provocative questions were asked, which sparked some interesting and insightful answers. Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing it!
Holy crap! I can't even begin to tell you how exciting it is to hear that real instruments are coming to Rock Band. Screw that plastic guitar, I can't wait to jump on this new Fender (even though I already own a real one...) and play some of the songs in the game. The same goes for the keyboard, which I've always wanted to learn how to play.
I was really skeptical about what Harmonix could possibly do to warrant yet another Rock Band mainline entry, but this definitely justifies the game's existence.
Looks like we might have another visitor at the party. New staff member, Stanton Daries, might stop by for some hijinx. The more the merrier I say.