I would like to see another Tao Feng.
I would like to see another Tao Feng.
Well atleast you had something.lol.
I hope. The Speakers are 800 a piece. The amps are about 600 each. Then the Dynomatt, wire, box, Alt about 500, and the batts about 300. So that is why it will take so long.
Thank you. Sometimes I post the whole album if it is avalible.
Thanks. I know there are people that listen and do not comment which is cool.
About time slacker.lol.
okay thanks Peter.lol.
I have wanted to read it for some time but I never could find it. I guess becaause it came out in the 70's was part of the issue. I found it at the new second hand book store that opened up last week.
Joe, I have not watched a live action superman anything since Superman IV. I know I have said if Kevin Smith does one then I will watch it but not until. I still like the comics and some of the cartoons.
I had it too. I need to find it again, I am build my retro collection instead of going next gen. Plus I am doing the car stereo stuff.