Apparently europe isn't getting the statue, why are games publshers picking on Europe!?
Apparently europe isn't getting the statue, why are games publshers picking on Europe!?
I'm ashamed to say I STILL havent finished FF6 and it's my favourite out of the whole series (last I remeber i'm a few bits before the final boss). I started FF9 last years spring.
Sonic Colors is underrated, I wish SEGA would stop reinventing and just refine there games.
I've been far too busy and lazy to sink my teeth into games. But not this year!
Damn, that's a pricarious situation. Hang in there, better to rant than keep it all in, that's what I do and it's done me no favours but I have little skill to handle my own life.
Regardless be thankful he came to this realization now instead of at the alter, during or after Pregnancy or worse. That can destroy the strongest of people.
You'll do fine, dear.
You should Graphic Novels are easier to come by now and the decades worth of good stories digitally available at bargin prices. Have you missed out on Marvel/Miracle Man?
Well Marvel are republishing the classic Captain Marvel architype stories from the 80s. I mention this because this week an unpublished story by Grant Morrison is released this weak. I've seen some pages and I'm excited
I'm only stratching the surface of Comics, mainstream or otherwise. There's somethng to suit all tastes, most of which are good.
You just reminded me I haven't watched Totalbiscuit in ages!
David Finch is ify at the best of times but I do like much o his action shots and he's good at conveying a moody atmosphere.
When I had problems with Steam I had to reinstall a few times than I'd like. EA and Ubisoft can eat dog poo.
Oh It's gorgeously grusome, I met Eddie Cambell, he's a nice man
you might apreciate this vid
His attacks don't feel right, they lag, don't have as much impact and are harder to control.
It's all wrong
A pansy, that's what he is!