Unless something completely mind blowing comes out later it IS my GOTY.
Unless something completely mind blowing comes out later it IS my GOTY.
Haha yes the weapon upgrades themselves are all pretty neat, and theres lots to choose from. The combat is great my only gripe with it is it needs more difficulty levels easy, normal, and hard isn't enough. Maybe DLC or a patch will add a very hard.
I'm sorry. XD I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope you get the giftcards for it :)
For stealth I liked the pistol with a silencer (its really good at taking people down with headshots fast), and straight up gun fights the assault rifle. Though the fire arrows are pretty sweet too. All four main weapons are fun to use. The other one is a shot gun which you can upgrade to set things on fire too.
The rope arrows are pretty sweet they can do what you said as well as pull open doors pry far away objects loose and even in some instances pull out floors from beneath enemies feet.
Glad it's selling well it deserves it. Hope to see more games like it.
If you do get giftcards I highly reccommend this. Though the review probably already says that lol
The controls are flawless, I was amazed at how easy it is to like drop 5 guys quickly with headshots. It makes you feel like you're really good at it haha.
Lot of reboots can be a mixed bag, but damn this one got just about everything right.
I think you should :P Though to be fair I'm not very interested in Bioshock myself.
Yes there is, honestly I don't think the previews and stuff do it justice one of those games you have to play to really know what its like, and if you get we can play its awful MP together :P