The playstation channel releaed a video today about it, I didnt kowabout it either till I saw the vid. Which shows a good sign of faith that Sony is def backing the project to be a good one for their consoles.
The playstation channel releaed a video today about it, I didnt kowabout it either till I saw the vid. Which shows a good sign of faith that Sony is def backing the project to be a good one for their consoles.
Sounds about right, I use to work there so I am not surprised one bit. If anything its normal. I avoid using walmart in the gaming department unless there really is a decent deal or Im going on a super late night game binge and decide to buy a cheap game from there. What GS is to some people, walmart is that to me,lol!
That why I am glade I got an 360, I can get the tales games that released on it and only the 360 and play them. I think we will see PS4 games sooner than we think from them. The PS4 is a lot easier to develope on then the PS3 was, pretty much microsoft and Sony swapped this gen. PS4 is easier to create on while Xbone is harder. It prolly will be sometime yes, but not as long as we would think it would be.
Its cheap because its very short, there apprently is a video going aroud of someone speed running it in 10 mins. The price was supose to have been dropped to 19.99 on all copes for ps3 and 360. I guess walmart didnt listen or get the memo. I got mine on the PS4 at GS for 29.99.
That is excatly how it happened for me. It was insane how bad it glitched and lagged. I installed the update right then and there,lol.
Im pretty much buried at this point, my bf picked on me because I got Yoshi instead of buying Bravely Default first but Im happy with my choice, Yoshi is my fave!
One of my buddies I think can help me, he has just been sick so its on hold till he gets better. I tryed watching a vieo on how to do it and I was like "what?" the entire time so nope, not gonna try it,lol
I think you will enjoy it!
Im in the same boat, I really wish it was a PS3 but I figured I could fix this one for 30 and have atleast something to use to play some of the games that havent released on next gen. Im still aiming for my PS3 though!
I got my gamer tag going, its LadyLevana1989. I only have 1 game for the moment since it was free with xbox live. Mine acts like its a dvd and so far alot of the people who had this problem changed the laser out and it fixed it. I think it will work, just got to get someone to do it.
You will need to get one of the fat models then I think its the 60gb that is. Gamestop, Ebay, or Craiglist will prolly be ur best bet, cant really find them new anymore. I want another super slim one.