No, I'm just saying I foolishly didn't understand the press release was the Genesis/Mega Drive version of the game.
No, I'm just saying I foolishly didn't understand the press release was the Genesis/Mega Drive version of the game.
Here's what you didn't note: Angelo has played the game. Angelo's been able to judge the content of the game himself, and my guess is that he personally feels the 1up review is much more accurate, though I can't speak for him about it.
I don't normally double-post comments, instead just editing my own, but this was worth mentioning, given the odd timing.
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers was released on the virtual console today. The SNES game brought new characters to Street Fighter II. And guess what? Apparently, it has online play enabled. I've no idea how the online play works, but the game has it. Nifty. Nice timing.
Also, I'd like to apologize for not having an Issue 85 yesterday. I had a day-long trip that exhausted me by the time I was done, and I just couldn't find the energy for a new PB & Jason at that point. Sorry guys. Know that Issue 85 will happen next Wednesay, though! Awesome!
Edit: Read Joaquim's post below mine. I made a little bit of an error above, but I left it to maintain the fact that as almost-perfect as I am, even someone like me has his flaws.
I agree with you about that, but keep in mind, there are a few games with online compatibility on the Virtual Console. I think one of them is a puyo-style game by Sega, IIRC.
I'm going to edit this and add, since it wasn't very clear with what I first wrote, that if I'd been in charge of the Virtual Console, it would absolutely involve netcode for multiplayer games, and I hope NIntendo adds in the functionality sooner than later or never.
On a side note, it would be interesting if there'd be some way to handle an augmented reality Pikmin game of some sort. It would require at least a 3D camera to handle well, and likely even a better option to read positioning, but in essence, the game would turn objects in your home into resources or enemies. It would be good stuff. Probably not happening anytime soon.
This isn't too much of a surprise. At various points, such as a January presentation, Nintendo has mentioned selling DLC stages akin to stages from New Super Mario Bros. Wii to extend the life of a game, maintain interest, and to just provide more content for people who want more content. IIRC, those are reasons they provided, along with creating new methods of monetization. It would make sense for a simple game to receive DLC to be pushed to launch, especially since side-scroller Mario stages shouldn't take long to build.
That said, I'm definitely looking forward to this. I'm a huge 2D Mario fan, and I loved NSMBWii. Since Nintendo will probably create DLC stages, if they want people to continue playing this game for a long time, I think it would be a good decision to use this title to implement online play for the 2D Mario games, too.
That's certainly something Sony and Microsoft have done a lot better than Nintendo this generation: Discounts on downloadable software. The only discount I can recall for the Wii was done by Sega around Christmas a few years back.
The cutscenes in 3D Sonic games have all been pretty bad. This is the one main Sonic title I skipped out on, given what everyone was saying about it at the time, but I have to wonder if the dialog and such between characters could really be worse than what's in Sonic Colors....
That's exactly what I was saying. I can't figure out if the game would take a heavy page from Super Mario Bros. 3 or not. I could certainly see a revival of the traditional costumes, or the 2D translation of the boomerang suit as a possibility. I actually doubt Yoshi would be in the game, unless he were a post-game bonus.
I would imagine Nintendo probably just registered the domain to maintain control over it. Super Mario World had a subtitle of "Super Mario Bros. 4" in Japan, and I doubt Nintendo really wants to create a divergeance in the numbering of the Mario games in the East and the West.
Or, maybe they'll retcon Super Mario World's Japanese subtitle. Could be interesting if that's the case.