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gigantor21's Comments - Page 20

The Vita Is "The iPod of Gaming"? LOL

Posted on 01/15/2014 at 04:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm right there with you, buddy.

No touchscreen game has ever been able to match the stuff I've played on the Vita or PSP--or even my old Game Boy. Not having physical controls limits what games can work on phones and tablets, and there's no push to offer a standard set of buttons to that end. Plus I love games let you sink your teeth into them over time, rather than being quick and dirty time wasters like Fruit Ninja or something.

And frankly, the whole mobile market is looking real 80's Atari right now. It's trading more on volume and hype than anything else; it's gotten so bad for indies, for instance, that they've been seeing sales just as good on the 3DS and Vita despite the massive install base disparity. There's simply too much on the App Store and Google Play for all the good games to stand out, and most of it is shit. It's not anymore sustainable than the ever increasing budgets in the AAA space, TBH.

But there was a more casual market on dedicated handhelds before stuff like the iPhone came along. Stuff like Brain Age and Nintendogs sold a metric fuckton of copies on the DS, for instance, and helped push the device as much as staples like Mario and Pokemon. Neither of their 3DS successors did anywhere near the same numbers; indeed, 3DS software sales in general are lagging FAR behind the DS's in the same timeframe. And the less said about the Vita compared to the PSP, the better. -_-

Between that and how Vita/3DS games are more expensive to make, it's no wonder most third parties have pretty much abandoned those platforms outside Japan. Sony, meanwhile, has shifted it's focus towards the PS4 and mobile phones, letting the Vita wither and rot on the vine. It's hard to be too hopeful about the long-term prospects of handhelds in light of that.

The Vita Is "The iPod of Gaming"? LOL

Posted on 01/15/2014 at 02:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Well you can play music on it... :p

The Vita Is "The iPod of Gaming"? LOL

Posted on 01/15/2014 at 02:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs


The Vita Is "The iPod of Gaming"? LOL

Posted on 01/14/2014 at 11:52 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I just can't get into most smartphone games I've tried the way I can with games on the Vita. Getting premium titles on a device designed for gaming first is something that simply can't be matched on a touch device IMO.

The Vita Is "The iPod of Gaming"? LOL

Posted on 01/14/2014 at 11:51 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yes, but that's just it. Smartphones are useful enough on their own for games to just be a bonus, and aren't designed as gaming machines first. It's being able to have fun on a device you already have, without needing to spend another $200 just to have games on the go, that's the real issue here.

Yeah, people don't buy phones for Candy Crush and the like. But if they're satisfied with Angry Birds on their phone, it'll take a lot to convince them to spend another $200 to play games that cost up to $40-$50 on a separate device--not to mention with the exorbitant price of memory in the Vita's case. Dedicated handhelds aren't the be-all-end-all in the portable gaming space anymore, and their market presence is only going to shrink further as time goes on.

The Vita Is "The iPod of Gaming"? LOL

Posted on 01/14/2014 at 09:59 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The memory issue is the main reason I don't buy as much digitally as I could. It's a real pain having to transfer or re-download stuff, even on a 32GB card--but the 64GB cards cost something like $120 dollars. Ugh.

The Vita Is "The iPod of Gaming"? LOL

Posted on 01/14/2014 at 09:57 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Nah, it doesn't need 6 AA batteries. :p

Love my Vita, too.

Reviewing Consoles Early On Is Stupid

Posted on 12/24/2013 at 09:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Seriously. Considering the night and day difference between how the consoles started and ended last gen, I don't get why anyone would put any stock in what the PS4 and Xone are like right now. Half the features they've promoted for the consoles aren't even going to be available before next year anyway.

Reviewing Consoles Early On Is Stupid

Posted on 12/24/2013 at 09:39 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You'd think that seeing how much the consoles changed over time last gen would've suggested it was a bad idea. But they need those clicks, man. :p

No, SquareEnix, A Next-Gen Tomb Raider Port Isn't Worth Another $60

Posted on 12/23/2013 at 12:03 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Making people choose between this and tripe like All The Bravest is blackmail. :p

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