Hence my entire argument on the 'cast.
Hence my entire argument on the 'cast.
You can have a fabulously lush and colorful game permeated by an impossibly dark tone. It's been done before. Nintendo could easily pull it off.
Missing the point, gents. I want a Zelda game with the typically classic Nintendo-y mechanics set in a dark universe. Dark by no means in the sense I mention it related to visuals or story. It's tone. As "dark" as previous Zelda games may or may not have been, the tone was never quite there. I don't want to play Darksiders or Demon's Souls to get a "dark" Zelda experience.
That was my point.
It looks very Fable-y, which is fine.
I love the Clint Mansell music in there. That's about it.
A temporary moment of madness on my end.
Think this is a great idea, anon.
I think Julian is on the crack. I love SH4. Maybe I was feeding the trolls, lol.
Michael117, you're so spot-on with your assesment of SH4, brilliantly-put. I've never been lucky enough to see someone put the thought into that entry as you have, so, thank you. SH4 is my second favorite in the franchise for those very reasons.
I don't remember agreeing with everyone that SH4 wasn't good, but if I did, I appologize for not sticking up for the game, and I promise to never to let my co-hosts do it again, lol.
I knew there was a reason I waited. Woot!